March 17th, 2003
8:28 PM CST -
In continuance of our coverage of Tao Feng: Fist of the Lotus, we have 9 new videos available for your enjoyment, including 2 compilation videos, bringing our total to 15 videos. These new videos feature throws and chi attacks. In addition, our previous videos have been recatagorized into combos and interactive & expansive enviroments compilations, which the latter features a new clip of a breakable glass case.

Tao Feng is scheduled for release to retailers tomorrow and online video game retailers have comitted to shipping orders on Tuesday; however, video game-specific retailers like GameStop and Electronics Boutique have stated an in-store date of Wednesday the 19th, while traditional eletronics retailers advertise the 20th (Best Buy) and 21st (Circuit City) as their release dates. As always, call your local retailer before you make a trip out to the store. Then, hit our message forum to report your success.

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