March 7th, 2003
2:08 AM CST - has an e-mail interview online with MK co-creator, John Tobias, regarding his new Xbox exclusive fighter, Tao Feng: Fist of the Lotus.

Do you have any favorites among the current console fighting games? And has there been any other fighting games which has influenced the play mechanics of Tao Feng?

(JT) I’m really looking forward to Soul Calibur 2. I think that TF was influenced by the genre as a whole. Our choice in play mechanics was more of a reaction to where fighting games are in general. We tried to get away from the claustrophobic feel by incorporating longer range attacks and running jumps. We wanted our characters to really get around the environments and I think that was the direct opposite of where every other fighting game has gone. So more than anything that influence pointed us in directions to take as opposed to things to emulate.

Stay tuned to TRMK as we feature our own exclusive Tao Feng content very soon.

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