The artists of the GREAT video game themed online comic,
Penny Arcade, got to play a newer version of
Tao Feng over at Microsoft's offices and posted a mini-preview of it. They had a lot of good things to say about the game, even though the version they played was not complete. Here is a little bit of what they had to say:
Beyond the slick visuals the game actually plays really well too. John Tobias co-creator of Mortal Kombat no doubt has a lot to do with that. The game actually feels a lot like a Mortal Kombat game, although more brutal if that's possible. One of the really cool features of TF is that the characters take [damage] and it affects their performance. Break a guys arm or beat on it enough and eventually it's going to be all but useless. Fighters build up "Chi" which they can use to do special moves or heal broken limbs. As fights progress characters get bruised, cut and dirty. It's actually a really nice effect and one that sort of makes TF stand out from other fighters.
Click here for the preview (you'll have to scroll down a bit to read it).