May 30th, 2006
3:03 PM CST -
John Turk, palette-swap ninjas and Shang Tsung from Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, and Sub-Zero from Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero, has lent his voice talents to the cast of Press Start, in this month's episode of the Press Start: Bonus Levels. Bonus Levels is a monthly online animated short from the creators of Press Start.

In "Poker, Mon", it's poker night at Count Nefarious Vile's lair, but Captain Psychodrive brings entirely the wrong kind of deck. Turk voices two of the villainous guests.

Press Start tells the story of a suburban youth in a videogame world who discovers his adventurous, if berserk, destiny when he's recruited by an ill-tempered ninja and a tough-as-nails space soldier to save the world from a tyrannical, but comically insecure, sorcerer. Both Carlos and Daniel Pesina from Mortal Kombat fame, are heavily involved in the production.

Reader Komments from the TRMK Forums:

June 1st, 2006 4:50 AM CST - ChiefThunder
Kool, John Turk is the man. He looks alot younger in that above pic than what I thought he was. Good to see he's still into the gaming side of things as far as lending his vocal talents at least. Go, Subby@!
June 1st, 2006 6:58 AM CST - JSOOGZ
Helped you out there Chief, you accidently double posted.
June 10th, 2006 4:25 AM CST - ChiefThunder
Thanks, Sugie. Here's some tirvia I didn't know about JT, he was a cop. Besides just being a model, he is a versatile athlete. He practices many sports, such as swimming and horseback riding, is a martial artist, boxer, knows how to handle hand-weapons and won a bodybuilding contest. Holds a Bachelor's Degree in Exercise Physiology. One of his claims to fame are his role in the Mortal Kombat games, mostly portraying as Sub-Zero and many other ninja characters. Started his career as a good cop catching hoodlums. Today, he's a popular cop-turned-actor/model, playing both sides of the law in series and movies.
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