Originally Posted by : Princess DisI kinda like it. It gives you the ability to come up with the coolest chain of finishers and is somewhat reminiscent of Killer Instinct. My favorite finisher that I was able to pull off was: 1. Draw sword and slice off arm 2. Pull out brain 3. Pull out heart 4. Pull off other arm 5. Hit with arm 6. Hit with arm 7. Hit with arm 8. Hit with arm 9. Hit with arm 10. Pull off head
This system looks like shit. I really wish they had just kept the old version where you put a code in, and enjoy the show.
Originally Posted by : TetterkeTI kinda like it. It gives you the ability to come up with the coolest chain of finishers and is somewhat reminiscent of Killer Instinct. My favorite finisher that I was able to pull off was: 1. Draw sword and slice off arm 2. Pull out brain 3. Pull out heart 4. Pull off other arm 5. Hit with arm 6. Hit with arm 7. Hit with arm 8. Hit with arm 9. Hit with arm 10. Pull off head[/quote] So would you say it was one of those things that looks really iffy, but plays really well?
[quote=Princess Dis]This system looks like shit. I really wish they had just kept the old version where you put a code in, and enjoy the show.
Originally Posted by : K1LLKANOYeah those are called "Enders". Look at the fatality card linked in the news post.
Yeah, from that clip, Create a Fatality looks very weak. A lot of repetitive moves, and you have so long between them that the fatality doesn't flow smoothly. From what y'all witnessed, does popping off someone's head or pulling out there spine pretty much end the fatality right there? Thats what it looked like in the video. Any way, I think I've found something I don't like with MKA now.
Originally Posted by : KonaOkay, this I agree with. I didn't test to see if you could pull out multiple hearts or brains, but it would definitely be lame if you could do that. Also, the heart/brain looked like they were 2D almost. I'd like more of a production of the character tossing the organ down rather than it just haphazardly falling out of their hand. Also, it would be cool if you could throw the organs at them after you pull them out. It might also be nice if there was some sort of bleeding hole left in their head or chest cavity from where the extraction occurs. Lastly, I'm pretty sure you'd have trouble yelling in pain if someone removed your brain heart or head -- perhaps they could squelch the vocals after these moves were performed.
From the trailer that I saw with an early taven vs. scorpion it looked pretty straightforward and weak. He would put his hand into scorpion and pull it out drop an organ, then do it again with what looked like the same organ. Also, if you are going to pull out the brain, don't you think, even in MK, that the oppentent would be dead? I hope this system gets fixed up a bit.