May 5th, 2002
8:25 PM CST -
The June 2002 issue of PSM Magazine has a nice three page feature on Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. The screenshots shown in the spread reveal some new information. Here are a few notes on what you'll find in the issue which should hit the stands soon:

  • Sonya is now confirmed to return as there are a few screenshots of her fighting in the feature.

  • Blood is finally shown in screenshots, and it looks like it really flows like the old games.

  • Malvado is finally shown in-game and looks very much like the sketch we have seen earlier.

  • Masked Sub-Zero is shown for the first time, and he seems to have a blue ice glow around his hands while fighting, but no ice attacks were shown.

  • A couple of new stages are also featured in a few screenshots, expect more on these as we get better looks at the stages.

Hopefully, these new screenshots will make their way online soon for those of you who can't pick up the issue.

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