May 17th, 2001
6:09 PM CST -
Behind closed doors, Midway revealed a few bits of information regarding the next installment of the Mortal Kombat series. We witnessed a short video clip, shown exclusively to select major press outlets, which consisted of a few live-action sequences of the MK dragon symbol in different dark and eclectic settings. Fire was a major element in the clip, appearing in the form of torches and dripping candles around MK dragon symbols. The clip also showed drops of blood hitting a scroll and numerous shots of actors showing their open palms, signifying the number 5 -- one hand was actually branded with a MK dragon. At the end, a close up of the new in-game Scorpion was displayed for a split second. Unfortunately, the shot was not long enough to make a lasting impression.

Lastly, Midway disclosed that the game should be referred to as Mortal Kombat. In an effort to revitalize the series, Midway is contemplating calling the fifth installment simply Mortal Kombat in order to signify the renewal of the series. Finally, Midway mentioned that more information on the next Mortal Kombat will be revealed soon. We'll post some shots of Midway's booth at midnight tonight.

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