May 16th, 2001
8:52 AM CST -
Continuing a yearly tradition, TRMK will be reporting live from the Electronic Entertainment Expo at Los Angeles, CA. Although we have word from numerous internal sources that Mortal Kombat 5 will not be shown at E3 this year, TRMK will be at the show live and in person to report anything related to Mortal Kombat being shown on the LA Convention Center floor. Official coverage will start tomorrow, Thursday, May 17th, with a quick report from Midway's booth on the whereabouts of Mortal Kombat 5. Also, check back later tonight to see if we can get another "sneak peek" of the show's floor a day early. Keep it tuned to TRMK for the first word on Mortal Kombat 5 at the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2001.

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