March 30th, 2001
8:02 PM CST - has kicked off a new segment called 3rd Degree, which interviews members of Midway's own game development teams. The first guest for the first ever 3rd Degree segment is Mortal Kombat co-creator, Ed Boon (Interview). There is also a short video segment of this interview split into 4 parts. The first part is online now. Keep checking weekly for the remaining parts of the video interview. Remember that these interviews are conducted with Midway's own employees and hosted on their own website, so don't expect any groundbreaking Mortal Kombat 5 info just yet.

On a related note, has word of plans to conduct a chat with Ed Boon during the second week of April. As soon as a solid time is set we'll let you know. Thanks CrAzY_EdDiE.

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