March 1st, 2006
11:50 PM CST -
At a press event in Los Angeles held yesterday, Midway annouced that they were expanding their support for Microsoft's Xbox 360 game download service by adding five more classic arcade games to the Xbox Live Arcade. Amongst the new games to be added to Midway's portfolio of Xbox downloads is a game which has never appeared in a Midway Arcade Treasures series, Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3. While no other details were mentioned other than the titles of the games, the announcement noted that the games were to be released during this year.

"We've been generally surprised by the response rate...the paid downloads are more than we expected," Midway CEO David Zucker told GameSpot. "It's not going to change our economic success overnight, but it's a nice little business on the side, and we're glad that people are happy with the product." Midway's chief executive also expressed interest in doing similar projects with the PlayStation 3 and Revolution, should they provide that functionality.

While it is not Mortal Kombat II, it would be quite interesting to see what type of multiplayer options, if any, Midway decides to include into Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3. Another issue to keep track of is whether or not the Ultimate Kombat Kodes persist after entering them and unlocking Ermac, Classic Sub-Zero and Millena, unlike Smoke in the Midway Arcade Treasures version of Mortal Kombat 3.

Midway hits Arcade again [GameSpot]

+10 TRMKarma: sevendead

Reader Komments from the TRMK Forums:

March 2nd, 2006 12:20 AM CST - Shinnokxz
I say UMK3 was the wiser choice as it is pretty much hands down the best tournament game out of all the MKs (including MK2). As most hardcore players would say, UMK3 is just a few fixes away from being a serious competitive, and balanced, tournament fighter. It'll be interesting how much support it sees on the service (I have no knowledge of the service so I don't know if they just throw some hackjob emulation together with some netcode or what).
March 2nd, 2006 12:28 AM CST - pheonix
I think that was a wise, and great choice. Although if it turns out like MK2 on MAT2, etc. We may get a little dissapointed. *SP* Since they are putting that on Xbox live I think it is about time they put MK:T on MAT games, but they better make it GOOD. Hopefully it won't be just a CAP job like Midway has done before. Now I know I need my Xbox Live account thank you Sevendead.
March 2nd, 2006 11:51 AM CST - Khaos
Originally Posted by : Shinnokxz
I say UMK3 was the wiser choice as it is pretty much hands down the best tournament game out of all the MKs (including MK2). As most hardcore players would say, UMK3 is just a few fixes away from being a serious competitive, and balanced, tournament fighter. It'll be interesting how much support it sees on the service (I have no knowledge of the service so I don't know if they just throw some hackjob emulation together with some netcode or what).
Pretty true, I'm sure Shock or any of the templarz (including Konqrr) would agree with you. UMK3 is the most fast pacing game. There are a lot of big combos', but you have to set yourself up for them to happen correctly. Hopefully it will be just as well as MAME's emulation... Not the MAT series.
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