Tonight is the night! At
7:00pm CDT (5:00pm Pacific, 8:00pm Eastern), the developers from Midway's
The Grid will be chatting at the
#mortalkombat IRC Network. Here is the connection information for tonight's event.
The Grid Chat Details
Date: Thursday, September 14th (TONIGHT!)
Time: 5:00pm Pacific / 7:00pm CDT / 8:00pm Eastern
Port: 6667
Channel: #mortalkombat
If you need further help on connecting, visit the
chat page, where you can also connect to tonight's chat via your java-compatable web browser.
Again, if you have any questions for tonight's chat, e-mail
Patrick McCarron and your question will be one of the first to be answered. Questions can still be posed at the event, but only when all of the e-mailed questions are answered.
We hope to see you there!