September 11th, 2000
11:59 PM CST -
That's right fans! TRMK has a big treat for everyone this week. This Thursday, September 14th at 7:00pm CDT, join the TRMK Staff for an action packed hour of online bedlam with the developers of Midway's hot new arcade arena shooter, The Grid. Here is your chance to have your questions answered by the minds behind this explosively intense arcade game.

We will begin taking questions now via e-mail at The majority of the questions asked during this event will come from your e-mails. If time permits, we will also take questions during the chat.

The event's venue will be at the #mortalkombat IRC Network chat room. If you've joined us for previous online chatting events at the chat network (like Fight Night), then you already know how to participate in this one. You can connect to the chat server via your IRC client, or simply launch our java based chat client right from your web browser. No programs to download or setup! Just enter your nickname and hit connect. It's that simple. If you're a more advanced IRC user, here is all of the necessary information to get you there as we hope to see you there!

Date: Thursday, September 14th
Time: 7:00pm to 8:00pm CDT
Port: 6667
Channel: #mortalkombat

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