November 17th, 1999
8:54 PM CST -
This past weekend the MAME development team released version 0.36 beta 9 of their popular arcade emulator MAME. This update greatly improved the playability of all of Midway's great TMS34010 based arcade games from the early 90's like: Mortal Kombat, Smash TV and Terminator 2: The Arcade Game. They now play at about full speed on a Pentium 2 400MHz based computer with sound emulation enabled. The previous releases it was impossible to play the game with sound on the same computer.

For the mis-informed playing these games legally requires owning the arcade game's PCB, which u can pick up from
starting at around $20, and copying the game's ROMs to your PC using a EEPROM programmer. Those looking for illegal game roms, please do no not contact us, all requests will be ignored. And if you are looking to find a way to play arcade games at home, we may be doing a special feature on how to get your favorite arcade game up and running at home without having to buy a whole game cabinet.

Thanks to Vintage Gaming (formerly Dave's Classics) and Jason Sizemore for the good word.

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