August 31st, 2005
10:16 AM CST -
Alright, this is totally sweet! Coming from the once again is some new koncept artwork from Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks.

I for one am very stoked about this. I've always thought Kintaro was one of the koolest characters. I can't wait to see him in 3D!!!!

[color=white]+10 TRMKarma:

Reader Komments from the TRMK Forums:

August 31st, 2005 10:36 AM CST - Khaos
Beleive it or not, the Goro concept actually looked a bit better :/..(omf wee at my karma )
August 31st, 2005 11:03 AM CST - Special Forces
Originally Posted by : Khaos
(omf wee at my karma )
Crap... so, you wanna duel me? You gonna have to kill to be the TRMKMaster. Come here news.
August 31st, 2005 2:18 PM CST - I am The Chosen One
Its about time they brought Kintaro back... Hang in there Stryker....hope is around the corner....
August 31st, 2005 4:37 PM CST - MaxDam
Kintaro being in Shaolin Monks is not a surprise at all. SM is based during the events of the end of MK1 and MK2.
August 31st, 2005 5:09 PM CST - Masta-Dante
Very true---^ Now only if you can see his reaction when he finds out Goro "died"
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