Originally Posted by : MaxDamfinally my screen name does justice hu?
Yeah, The opening sequence is great! Goro kicks serious ass.
Originally Posted by : AngelThanks for the explanation, but I think that is utter garbage(the over-writing, not your explanation). Are they going to do this everytime they make a new prequal game? Sub-Zero Mythologies didn't overwrite anything. It added more to Sub-Zero. I understand that a lot of the old stories were hard to follow. In MK I, it almost seemed as if Rayden was a bad guy, not good. But I think that the stories that became canon later on should have stayed. Sub-Zero I did DIE. Especially since MK: Deception said that he became Noob Saibot in the Neatherealm. So he should have been killed. Now that he lived, Scorpion's ending is weird too. Didn't he come back to MK II because "rumors of Sub-Zero fighting in the tournament surfaced. A man he killed."? Now I guess that is gone as well. Its just kinda cheap if you ask me.... On another note, does anyone think its ironic that Sub-Zero became Noob Saibot, a member of the Brotherhood of Shadow? An organization that worships Shinnok? A man he stole an amulet from.... :P
Reguardless, we're suppose to treat Shoalin monks as the offical story. Basically, overwriting ALL past stories. So whether we know its wrong or not, we got to take it for the real story. Besides, back in the days of MK2, a lot of the stories were hard to follow, I picture Ed and co didn't realise they were digging themslves one hack of a hole when they did MK1, MK2 and MK3. Normally, this sort of thing only happens in comics and not games. DC and Marvel have counless times rewritten characters histories, the latest one being the 'true' story. Good example: DC's Hawkman (see link for messed up storylines). http://www.geocities.com/seanmacdonald_2000/hawk.html
Originally Posted by : HydroIf you look at MK1-3 arcade games, Shang could always turn into any one of the kombatants.
You do have some good points. I would like to know how Shang Tsung can morph into anyone. They say once he takes their soul but, he can morph anyway? I know they will explain better how/why he turns into a younger form..
Originally Posted by : HydroThe SubZero that you see in the intro is actually the Brother of the Original SubZero. The big battle in the intro is happening after the conclusion of the actual tournament. The original SubZero gets killed during the ACTUAL TOURNAMENT!
Now as for the Sub-Zero thing, still unsure. I mean we know he just disappeared in his MK1 ending but, in Deception we find that he was killed and Noob Saibot. I would like to know how his younger brother fits into the MK2 portion cause that was him.
Originally Posted by : I am The Chosen OneThanks for the explanation, but I think that is utter garbage(the over-writing, not your explanation). Are they going to do this everytime they make a new prequal game? Sub-Zero Mythologies didn't overwrite anything. It added more to Sub-Zero. I understand that a lot of the old stories were hard to follow. In MK I, it almost seemed as if Rayden was a bad guy, not good. But I think that the stories that became canon later on should have stayed. Sub-Zero I did DIE. Especially since MK: Deception said that he became Noob Saibot in the Neatherealm. So he should have been killed. Now that he lived, Scorpion's ending is weird too. Didn't he come back to MK II because "rumors of Sub-Zero fighting in the tournament surfaced. A man he killed."? Now I guess that is gone as well. Its just kinda cheap if you ask me.... On another note, does anyone think its ironic that Sub-Zero became Noob Saibot, a member of the Brotherhood of Shadow? An organization that worships Shinnok? A man he stole an amulet from.... :P[/quote] I agree with you, MK1 and MK2 are still the best because of the storyline. Imo they are trying way too hard to fill the plot holes like the example of the original SubZero now being Noob. It's like hey, there is not enough backgroung story for noob saibot, let's just say he's Classic Subzero.
[quote=Angel]Reguardless, we're suppose to treat Shoalin monks as the offical story. Basically, overwriting ALL past stories. So whether we know its wrong or not, we got to take it for the real story. Besides, back in the days of MK2, a lot of the stories were hard to follow, I picture Ed and co didn't realise they were digging themslves one hack of a hole when they did MK1, MK2 and MK3. Normally, this sort of thing only happens in comics and not games. DC and Marvel have counless times rewritten characters histories, the latest one being the 'true' story. Good example: DC's Hawkman (see link for messed up storylines). http://www.geocities.com/seanmacdonald_2000/hawk.html
Originally Posted by : HydroShang Tsung was only able to turn into people after he took their souls as far as I can remember. I have no idea what was going on in the intro. Sadly, I don't think they'll even bother to explain it. By the looks of it, the intro. was going based off of the game. Shang Tsung turned into Scorpion and shot the spear into Liu Kang. Liu survived it without a wound. Like in the video game, when you do a move that would normally kill someone, they live. Because otherwise we would die after one "power" attack. So like in the game, Shang can turn into anyone. I think they were just letting everyone have all their powers, despite how ridiculous it was. Another example was Reptile eating Cage's head off. In the game, they can do that and Cage or any other kombatant would survive it. I still think there was no reason to do that, minus eye candy. The intro. to MK: Deception had them use their powers and it made sense. I don't understand why they couldn't do that here.... Sub-Zero? I have no clue what was going on there. It definitly looked like the younger Sub-Zero. Then again, I could be wrong. IF it was the older one, then it still makes no sense that he lived....
You do have some good points. I would like to know how Shang Tsung can morph into anyone. They say once he takes their soul but, he can morph anyway? I know they will explain better how/why he turns into a younger form. Now as for the Sub-Zero thing, still unsure. I mean we know he just disappeared in his MK1 ending but, in Deception we find that he was killed and Noob Saibot. I would like to know how his younger brother fits into the MK2 portion cause that was him. Oh and in the old MK comics, Sub-Zeros younger brother was named "Hydro" I do mainly go by the games story as the baseline. I'm not sure if they will do any other games like this for other MK games like MK3, MK4, MKDA, MKD. Depends if it is pretty good. I would like to see on done around MK3 cause that did have a great story.
Originally Posted by : Malitor GreymaulkinThats because its his "power" in the game. Story wise, he can only do that with the souls he stole.
If you look at MK1-3 arcade games, Shang could always turn into any one of the kombatants.
Originally Posted by : Malitor GreymaulkinThe younger brother had no bussiness being there. Not yet at least. Wasn't he sent because it had been some time since they heard from the older one? Also, I don't recall Scorpion and Sub-Zero(younger) fighting. Didn't Scorpion hunt him and watched him fight someone in the SECOND TOURNAMENT? He watched him spare the guy and realized this was not the same Sub-Zero he had died against and later KILLED. Not to mention, that if this was after the "actual tournament", Kano and Sonya should have been captured. It was Jax's reason for entering the tournament. Although, I think you raise a good point about this being after all the main fights. Perhaps all the bad guys fled there and were chased by the good guys? I don't know. It still has a lot of plot holes...
The SubZero that you see in the intro is actually the Brother of the Original SubZero. The big battle in the intro is happening after the conclusion of the actual tournament. The original SubZero gets killed during the ACTUAL TOURNAMENT!
Originally Posted by : MaxDamI agree with that. I wasn't too much of a fan of them merging those two characters. I felt like it killed off of Noob Saibot. He used to be this loyal, but very mysterious member of the BOS. Now thats gone...
I agree with you, MK1 and MK2 are still the best because of the storyline. Imo they are trying way too hard to fill the plot holes like the example of the original SubZero now being Noob. It's like hey, there is not enough backgroung story for noob saibot, let's just say he's Classic Subzero.
Originally Posted by : MaxDamYeah, the BOS I think was mentioned though at the end of Noob/Smoke's storyline though. Not much.
Like you said, Noob was according to MKSM, Noob Saibot was part of the brotherhood of the shadows. And now the brotherhood is just, well....Gone.
Originally Posted by : MaxDamYeah, I'm kinda hoping that the "helmet fetish" is not canon. I'd rather never have it explained than have it as that theory... I too never understood why Reptile wanted to be a b***h so much. In MK II he was kind of "forced" into his dreary task. He simply wanted the restoration of his people. Even MK 4 kept that storyline up. Suddely, with Shinnok, Shao, and Shang all dead, he needs to find someone to work for? It did make Reptile weaker....
Remember how they just plain kill the Reiko theory by just saying that he likes wearing Kahn's helmet at nights, Reiko was one of my favorite characters in MK4/Gold and I liked the fact that he could have being Kahn. They made sound Reiko like a wuss. I also hate the fact that Reptile is in desperate look for a master acording to MKDA storyline. meh
Originally Posted by : Malitor GreymaulkinThe problem with that is that Reptile used to be cool. Like he was forced into his servitude. Now he is just begging to be a slave. Its a weird change in character...
I am the Chosen One, You are way confused!!! The thing with him only turning into people who he stole the soul didn't come around until the movie which shouldn't be consider for official canon because of Hollywood liberties. Fair enough. You prove a good point that only the movies really established that. I assumed the consumption of souls allowed him to do that. Now that I think of it, didn't Shang Tsung turn into Kun Lao at the beginning of Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance? A game that Kung Lao was alive and well in? Ok...I guess you're right about that one. Sorry. Thanks for the answer though.SubZero the younger was in the MKII game!!!! The SubZero in the Intro was SubZero the younger!!! I know the young Sub-Zero was in MK II. I never said he wasn't. The intro. looks like its taking place BEFORE MK II starts because of Shang Tsungs old form. So again, Sub-Zero(younger) was not supposed to be there... Sonya and Kano get captured in MKSM.. you have to look at this game as happening BETWEEN MK1 and MK2 not as MK2. I assumed they gout captured during the first tournament. However, you are correct that they still may get captured later. I'll come here and b***h if they don't though. :P I think the CSZ and Noob storyline works perfect. Not if that is the Classic Sub-Zero because he is alive and well there....IF that is the Classic Sub-Zero. ARGH! I always hated the Reiko vs Kahn thing.. it was stupid to assume that Reiko could be Kahn. I'm glad the MK team put something concrete inside a game. I agree that the Reiko=Shao Kahn thing is dumb. Kinda like how they combined Sub-Zero and Noob Saibot. I didn't like that either. What we're saying is that its stupid that the reason Reiko had Kahn's helmet on was because of some weird fetish.... Reptile had no where to go, he thought he was the last of his kind and was always depressed so he followed after other people he thought was cool. Sounds like a teenager.
Originally Posted by : MaxDamGood points on Shang Tsung. I understand now why they did that. I agree about the plot holes thing. Its like they can't keep up with the storylines....
About Shang Tsung, it's a problem but not that of a big problem. It can't be fixed anymore, they did that in MKDA but it didn't make sense in way because gamewise he was able to morph into anyone without feeding their soul. Normally, like you just said, storywise he could only morph into the defeated warrior after taking their soul but that was in the movie. I bet that in MK Shaolin Monks, they just wanted to make it like the game MK1 and MK2 where Shang could morph into anyone, dead or not at will. At least they didn't change the fact that Shang longevity is because of soul feeding. Don't you think it is amazing how many plot holes there is. When the try to resolve a plot hole, they make new ones.
Originally Posted by : MaxDamReally? Thats cool. Thanks. Its starting to make a little more sense now... :D
About Kano and Sonya being captured, I saw a video where you see how Sonya get's K.O. and taken away. Probably later after the opening.
Originally Posted by : I am The Chosen OneIt can't be. I suppose you could say it's inconclusive since you see the younger Sub-Zero getting his trademark scar and the brothers look exactly the same otherwise, but it just wouldn't make sense for Scorpion to be fighting the younger brother in the first tournament. We all know he killed the original Sub-Zero in that one, which can only mean that the Sub-Zero we see him fighting in the opening movie is the original one.
So is that him in the intro?
Originally Posted by : DeathcoreRyknowIt can't be. I suppose you could say it's inconclusive since you see the younger Sub-Zero getting his trademark scar and the brothers look exactly the same otherwise, but it just wouldn't make sense for Scorpion to be fighting the younger brother in the first tournament. We all know he killed the original Sub-Zero in that one, which can only mean that the Sub-Zero we see him fighting in the opening movie is the original one.[/quote] Then what was Kung Lao doing there? He wasn't in MK1, either, yet he was still fighting before MK1 ended in the intro.
[quote=I am The Chosen One]So is that him in the intro?
Originally Posted by : KryptoniteIt can't be. I suppose you could say it's inconclusive since you see the younger Sub-Zero getting his trademark scar and the brothers look exactly the same otherwise, but it just wouldn't make sense for Scorpion to be fighting the younger brother in the first tournament. We all know he killed the original Sub-Zero in that one, which can only mean that the Sub-Zero we see him fighting in the opening movie is the original one.[/quote] Then what was Kung Lao doing there? He wasn't in MK1, either, yet he was still fighting before MK1 ended in the intro.[/quote] thats why he was in disguise, the mk team said they added it to make it look like he was hidden in the tourny, so he WAS in mk1, just never showed himself
[quoteeathcoreRyknow][quote=I am The Chosen One]So is that him in the intro?