May 18th, 2005
8:58 PM CST -
We are now seeding our video torrent of the E3 Trailer for Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks. In addition to the trailer, we have added a few more screenshots to our Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks gamespace.

Also if you haven't been checking out any of our photos at our E3 Moblog you've been totally missing out. Included in the group of recently added photos are behind the scenes photos of our interviews with Shaun Himmerick and Ed Boon.

Check back later tonight when we plan to have the entire Shaun Himmerick interview online.

UPDATE 3:38am: The Himmerick interview is taking a lot longer to edit and render than we anticipated, due to the addition of in-game footage. We'll have everything up and seeded later Thursday morning.

Reader Komments from the TRMK Forums:

May 22nd, 2005 7:20 PM CST - batistaman
Sorry but how exactly do you use the torrents? they confuse me
May 23rd, 2005 2:46 AM CST - Special Forces
Originally Posted by : batistaman
Sorry but how exactly do you use the torrents? they confuse me Download the videos you want to download. Download Azureus and install it, once its installed, run it and click on Open Torrent. Then choose the torrent file you want to download with Azureus i.e. Interview with Shawn Himmerick. And there you go, you are downloading. It's that easy, hope this helps. And btw, Driver 3 sucks.
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