March 23rd, 2005
4:02 PM CST -
FileFront has a new article up, previewing the next installation to the Mortal Kombat adventure game series, Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks. Here's a snippet:

Trying to move a game from one medium into another, even if there are only a handful of changes to make, might very well take a game from a realm of understanding into an area of resistance. There is quite a fan-base behind the game that will hold it up to much scrutiny, but what the game has going for it is the fact that outside of the limited amount of story it gave to you, there have not been any real attempts to create a larger world out of the limited storyline that came with the games original releases.

Credit: Michael McDonough via e-mail.

Reader Komments from the TRMK Forums:

March 24th, 2005 3:49 AM CST - Darth Sadistic
I posted this earlier!
March 24th, 2005 5:43 AM CST - DCR
Originally Posted by : spinerip
I posted this earlier!
What are you talking about, dude? You posted your thread for this a couple hours ago and the story's already been on the front page for about a day.
March 24th, 2005 6:38 AM CST - Darth Sadistic
Sorry my bad!
March 24th, 2005 9:21 AM CST - Jeff Greeson
Originally Posted by : spinerip
I posted this earlier!
If you look at the timestamps on the news post and then your submission, you are about 12 hours later than the news post.
March 24th, 2005 10:50 AM CST - Darth Sadistic

March 30th, 2005 9:30 PM CST - Noob-Ermac
Originally Posted by : spinerip
poor poor spinerip
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