January 31st, 2013
11:13 AM CST -
Last week Hector Sanchez (Twitter: @hecterrific) a Producer at NetherRealm Studios did a media tour for Injustice: Gods Among Us. He stopped by a lot of places and dished out some good new info along the way as we noted yesterday.

Last night Giant Bomb posted Jeff Gertsmann's sit down with Hector for a good 20 minute discussion about Injustice. It's easily the best in-depth interviews on the game yet.

Here's a run down of what is discussed, but the discussion is interesting so I recommend you watch it:

  • Trying to make sense with a good backing story mode.
  • Mini games in story mode, not just fights, can change the fight outcome. Like lowering the health of the opponent before the fight.
  • "A number" of characters are yet to be revealed.
  • How gamers are finally figuring out that this isn't Mortal Kombat.
  • More talk about why they went with "Back to block".
  • More on the controller options SF style circle motions vs MK style strict inputs can be chosen (as discussed yesterday).
  • "Button Confirmation on Release" aka Negative Edge can be toggled on/off now.
  • Help new players learn special moves by tagging them to always be on the screen.
  • A really expansive tutorial mode will walk players through a lot of things.
  • Practice mode can record moves and also play back on the AI. (Practice mode is also online now as revealed in another interview)
  • The free DLC compatibility packs will be required to be had to play online to avoid the desyncronizing issues from MK9. This is what Borderlands 2 does.
  • Is Mortal Kombat vs Street Fighter is still "inevitable"?
  • The upcoming marketing efforts that is starting in "about a month" about "Who Would Win" that will tap comic celebrities like Kevin Smith and others to discuss who they think will win in a fight. It will also then feature some great gameplay. There will be some online voting too.
  • The game content is all complete and now they are just fine tuning and polishing the game.
  • Revamped tweak variable "hot fix" system detailed a bit further to evolve the game after the fact.
  • The Battle Edition stick "feels great".
  • How the studio listens to feedback and it's directly from people on Twitter and social networks.

Since the game is now just a few months away, I wouldn't be surprised if more and more game info and reveals happen over the next few months.

Also we forgot to mention yesterday, you can now pick up a hard copy of the Injustice Comic Book. Issue #1 should be at your local comic book shop as of yesterday. The first print issue combines the first three digital issues for a mere $3.99. There are two covers available, as seen below courtesy of NetherRealm's John Vogel on Facebook.

Reader Komments from the TRMK Forums:

January 31st, 2013 6:35 PM CST - Blackcyborg
Was a great video, and hopefully this will ease all the more high level focused players. As a competitive/casual player, it's great to hear there's going to be so much available to people such as myself, who don't research this kind of information(frame data), just in case I ever wanted an easier way to try and learn. The online practice and other stuff, such as the classic MK inputs or quarter circle, are all great options to offer. In general, it was very informative. I'm more into the fun factor of fighting games, so I enjoy the characters and gameplay elements as they are, but it's good to see everything under the hood is being handled well. Also glad to see a 100% confirmation of Bane being playable, not that I had any doubts. The marketing of the game is about to ramp up into high gear, and this is the way I prefer it. 2-3 months out, start giving us a bunch of info and stuff to blow us away, rather than further out where the wait feels longer and the information feels old come release.
January 31st, 2013 11:56 PM CST - Immortal Reaver
Am I the only one that sees that this game just looks like a few steps down from MK9? As far as unrealistic looking animations and overall production quality. I'm not shunning this game until I try it though.
February 1st, 2013 4:27 AM CST - HamatoYoshi
Originally Posted by : Immortal Reaver
Am I the only one that sees that this game just looks like a few steps down from MK9? As far as unrealistic looking animations and overall production quality. I'm not shunning this game until I try it though.
A comic book game? Unrealistic? Psh, you're delusional This was a great video though. Hopefully after this game is released, people take NRS a bit more seriously.
February 2nd, 2013 6:28 PM CST - Immortal Reaver
Originally Posted by : HamatoYoshi
A comic book game? Unrealistic? Psh, you're delusional This was a great video though. Hopefully after this game is released, people take NRS a bit more seriously.
Animations. You must not have read that part.
February 4th, 2013 4:42 PM CST - Commander
Originally Posted by : Patrick McCarron
<li>The free DLC compatibility packs will be required to be had to play online to avoid the desyncronizing issues from MK9. This is what Borderlands 2 does. </li>
MK9 did this too. The Freddy patch FORCED you to have all the compatibility packs, in order to even play online. In fact, if you don't have the patch (which includes ALL the compatibility packs), you can't even go online in MK9.
February 4th, 2013 6:54 PM CST - Blackcyborg
Originally Posted by : Araknyd_Commander
MK9 did this too. The Freddy patch FORCED you to have all the compatibility packs, in order to even play online. In fact, if you don't have the patch (which includes ALL the compatibility packs), you can't even go online in MK9.
Which is a good thing. All the people who refused to get the packs so they didn't have to face a non-MK character, made it so people couldn't even use the characters they paid for. No reason for people not to get them, especially when they include free alternate outfits.
February 5th, 2013 1:25 PM CST - Commander
Originally Posted by : Blackcyborg
Which is a good thing. All the people who refused to get the packs so they didn't have to face a non-MK character, made it so people couldn't even use the characters they paid for. No reason for people not to get them, especially when they include free alternate outfits.
The point that I was making is that this is nothing new. Hector tried to make it sound like it was something NEW that was being borrowed from Borderlands 2, but it was done before in MK9. It's good that they're doing that, but it's nothing new.
February 6th, 2013 8:47 PM CST - Immortal Reaver
I think that is false, because half of the time I still can't use my DLC characters.
February 6th, 2013 9:18 PM CST - Critical-Limit
Originally Posted by : Immortal Reaver
I think that is false, because half of the time I still can't use my DLC characters.
there are instances where I can't use some of my DLC characters either. Because those guys didn't get the compatability pack. So you can still play online even if you don't hav the compatability packs. there were times you were forced to Download game changing patches.
February 6th, 2013 9:28 PM CST - Commander
Originally Posted by : Critical-Limit
So you can still play online even if you don't hav the compatability packs. there were times you were forced to Download game changing patches.
When the Freddy DLC came out NRS released the online patch. That patch included the Freddy compatibility pack and I think the other packs too, because I was going to DL the compatibility pack for Freddy, but when I saw that I already had Sub-Zero's UMK3 maskless costume I was like "Hmm.... Didn't need to DL it." I specifically remember getting a pop-up message saying that in order to play online I had to have the latest patch too. I even played people that used Freddy against me, without DL'ing the last compatibility pack, because it was included in the patch.
February 12th, 2013 11:33 PM CST - Immortal Reaver
Maybe it was just a pop-up trying to get you to download it, there is some explanation.
February 13th, 2013 10:20 AM CST - EcHo
No mention of their net-code, no mention of revamped match-making algorithm, finding a match without having to a join a room took forever, both sucked in MK9. So basically no reason for me to pick this game up at launch when the Online will be broke, I can play the story mode and A.I when it hits 19.99$ next Xmas. The colour filter/palette they're using really makes the levels and even characters seem super dull, no saturation, just grey/washed out and grainy looking...
February 13th, 2013 5:15 PM CST - Commander
Originally Posted by : Immortal Reaver
Maybe it was just a pop-up trying to get you to download it, there is some explanation.
Nope. I CLEARLY remember not being able to go online because I didn't have the patch yet. Got the same message every time I tried to go into MK9 online. The patch was something that you HAD to download in order to play MK9 online. There was no way around it. It was forced, just like Kratos.
February 13th, 2013 6:02 PM CST - Patrick McCarron
Originally Posted by : Araknyd_Commander
Nope. I CLEARLY remember not being able to go online because I didn't have the patch yet. Got the same message every time I tried to go into MK9 online. The patch was something that you HAD to download in order to play MK9 online. There was no way around it. It was forced, just like Kratos.
That's for the game patches, NOT the DLC Compatibility Pack. Game patches are always required for PSN/XBL to even connect to the service for security reasons. The compatibility packs were not required and caused de-sync issues when you tried to play someone using the DLC that didn't have that data as well. It caused lots of complaints, anyone who played MK9 had those issues. Why compatibility packs at all? Well... there is a few reasons. 1. MS/Sony provide limits on developers for patch sizes. Your game patches must not be larger than a certain amount. Sony is less strict with this than MS is, but they both have requirements to this. 2. Also don't want users who may not be playing online to have to download all this compatibility pack data (Potentially 100s of MB of data) just to play the game. 3. The other option is just to sell you all the big massive art content on the disc already, but we know how people react to that. So the new current solution that Borderlands 2 did first is they want to require players to download the compatibility packs ONLY if they play online. So you get the latest game update in the smaller package and can then play in peace while also being signed onto XBL/PSN, but you then have to download the larger Compatibility Pack when you want the user to be able to go online with other players.
February 14th, 2013 5:42 PM CST - Commander
Originally Posted by : Patrick McCarron
That's for the game patches, NOT the DLC Compatibility Pack. Game patches are always required for PSN/XBL to even connect to the service for security reasons. The compatibility packs were not required and caused de-sync issues when you tried to play someone using the DLC that didn't have that data as well. It caused lots of complaints, anyone who played MK9 had those issues.
I understand that but the prior point that I was trying to make, though, is that the Freddy compatibility pack was included in the MK9 patch. I remember going to the select screen, after the patch, and I already had the Freddy compatibility pack without downloading it, because I had the maskless Sub-Zero and UMK3 CSZ costumes, after the patch downloaded. I never DL'ed the Freddy compatibility pack, because I didn't need to. It was already included in the patch.
February 14th, 2013 5:45 PM CST - Patrick McCarron
Originally Posted by : Araknyd_Commander
I understand that but the prior point that I was trying to make, though, is that the Freddy compatibility pack was included in the MK9 patch. I remember going to the select screen, after the patch, and I already had the Freddy compatibility pack without downloading it, because I had the maskless Sub-Zero and UMK3 CSZ costumes, after the patch downloaded. I never DL'ed the Freddy compatibility pack, because I didn't need to. It was already included in the patch.
Right, I believe this was PS3 only. As I said above "Sony is less strict with this than MS is, but they both have requirements to this.". They allow larger patches, so they got it worked in, but I'm fairly sure it was NOT part of the MK9 360 patch. Again it'll be much better to force users who want to play online to download the compatibility packs. Consider it an extra patch just for online play. This wont effect the smaller % of people who don't play online and from forcing them to download a large file.
February 14th, 2013 6:15 PM CST - Commander
Originally Posted by : Patrick McCarron
Right, I believe this was PS3 only. As I said above "Sony is less strict with this than MS is, but they both have requirements to this.". They allow larger patches, so they got it worked in, but I'm fairly sure it was NOT part of the MK9 360 patch. Again it'll be much better to force users who want to play online to download the compatibility packs. Consider it an extra patch just for online play. This wont effect the smaller % of people who don't play online and from forcing them to download a large file.
I don't have a 360, so I'll take your word for it, but I do agree 100%, Pat. Having the patch require the compatibility packs for ALL online users seems like the only fair thing to do. Sucks not to be able to use a DLC character that you paid for.
February 14th, 2013 6:19 PM CST - Critical-Limit
Nah, not buyin it. There is a reason sometimes Freddy doesn't show up on my DLC log, and that's because people didn't get the compatability pack. I think you just got confused or something. and DL'd the compatability pack thinking it was the patch. Me not being able to play Freddy or Skarlet. against a certain opponent, MUST MEAN they didn't DL the compatibility pack. Because.. that was the point of the whole pack, was to let people use those DLC characters against you, but you can't use them yourself.
February 15th, 2013 11:23 AM CST - Commander
Originally Posted by : Critical-Limit
Nah, not buyin it. There is a reason sometimes Freddy doesn't show up on my DLC log, and that's because people didn't get the compatability pack. I think you just got confused or something. and DL'd the compatability pack thinking it was the patch.
I didn't DL the last compatibility pack because of the patch. CLEARLY remember that. DL'ed the patch, and afterwards I cycled through the Sub-Zero costumes to do play some matches, and I had "UMK3" maskless Sub-Zero. Checked the costumes for cyber Sub-Zero, and UMK3 was also there. I'm not imagining things. I'm not going senile.
February 15th, 2013 11:52 AM CST - Critical-Limit
Do you have your ps3 set up so it auto updates for you? My roomate does that and his ps3 randomly turns on occasionally to check for updates. And it'll dl them for him while he's not near it and the shut itself back off. The only thing I can think of is that the update randomly included free compatibility packs for you. Which I doubt but I'm not sure on that. But I know for a fact because I've experienced people not downloadin Freddy's compatibility packs. Thus not allowing me to even pick him. I tell each person who doesn't let me pick skarlet or Freddy to go dl the comp Pack and when they do, suddenly I can play skarlet post patch. And I've seen people who tried to pick Freddy after seeing I Had access to him but they didn't. They dl'd the comp pack but not freddy himself.
February 15th, 2013 12:08 PM CST - Commander
Originally Posted by : Critical-Limit
Do you have your ps3 set up so it auto updates for you? My roomate does that and his ps3 randomly turns on occasionally to check for updates. And it'll dl them for him while he's not near it and the shut itself back off.
I never turned auto-update on. I know for a 100% fact that I never DL'ed the fourth compatibility pack, yet it's was there post-patch. I didn't DL it because I didn't need to. It was already there.
February 15th, 2013 12:46 PM CST - Critical-Limit
Well Then your some special case that didnt need it, and you got a comp pack dl'd with you patch and almost no one else did. Because if your case was the case for everyone, I'd always be able to pick freddy. But that's not the case.
March 1st, 2013 7:36 AM CST - Sub-Zera
FINALLY!!! this comic game comes out and Netherealm Studio AT LAST!!!!!!!!!! start the new Mortal Kombat!!! I hope when his thing gets finished we'll finally start to see any news about MK on this site!
March 16th, 2013 12:33 AM CST - DirtyWhore
Originally Posted by : Immortal Reaver
Am I the only one that sees that this game just looks like a few steps down from MK9? As far as unrealistic looking animations and overall production quality. I'm not shunning this game until I try it though.
No, you're not. When this game was first revealed, I was excited about and I'm not a hardcore comic book fan! However, the more I see of the game, it seems more focused on glitzy, over-the-top, popcorn-munching sequences and gimmicks. Then I start seeing recycled animations from MK9, which I wasn't surprised, but still, I expected less MK-inspired stuff. I mean, this whole knock-them-all-over-creation into different areas and other environment interactions isn't new. It started in MK3. It seems simply more refined and fleshed out here. You can pump all the digital Botox and lipstick into a game all you want, but I'm still "very guarded" on this game. I'm not a high level player nor bottom of the barrel, but MK9 for me hit all the points I expected it too and more despite its flaws, particularly DLC/online issues. I think the Story Mode of Injustice will be the crown jewel as it was in MK9. NRS is known for being able to tell a story, so I'm not worried on that front. Other fronts as in character balancing, game play mechanics, and online playability are my concerns. The former two points may disappoint and the latter can go in any direction. I'll buy the game, but I can't shake this feeling of doubt that this game might pan out to be more hype than anything. I sincerely, whole-heartily pray that I am wrong.
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