April 30th, 2012
1:37 PM CST -
Mortal Kombat finally makes it's arrival on the PlayStation Vita tomorrow May 1st in the US and in Europe on May 5th. For those in America it is now your last chance to preorder Mortal Kombat for the PlayStation Vita from Amazon with release date delivery so it'll still arrive tomorrow! Otherwise your local retailers will have it available tomorrow morning on store shelves, as well it should be available for direct download on the PlayStation Store.

Be sure to come back tomorrow when we'll have our review of the game, as well as a few prize giveaways to celebrate the release of the game. Until then head over to TRMK's MK for Vita Forum to get your questions answered, find people to challenge on PlayStation Network and also discuss the game with other fans.

Reader Komments from the TRMK Forums:

April 30th, 2012 3:28 PM CST - MK9Scorpion2011
Originally Posted by : Patrick McCarron
<a href="http://www.trmk.org/images/mkpsvita/MK-vita-boxart.jpg"><img src="http://www.trmk.org/images/mkpsvita/MK-vita-boxartSM.jpg" width="130" height="171" class="newslink" align="right" /></a>Mortal Kombat finally makes it's arrival on the <b>PlayStation Vita</b> tomorrow <b>May 1st</b> in the US and in <b>Europe on May 5th</b>. For those in America it is now your last chance to <a href="http://amzn.to/MK4VITA">preorder Mortal Kombat for the PlayStation Vita from Amazon</a> with release date delivery so it'll still arrive tomorrow! Otherwise your local retailers will have it available tomorrow morning on store shelves, as well it should be available for direct download on the <b>PlayStation Store</b>. Be sure to come back tomorrow when we'll have <b>our review of the game</b>, as well as a few <b>prize giveaways to celebrate the release</b> of the game. Until then head over to <a href="http://www.trmk.org/forums/forumdisplay.php/63-Mortal-Kombat-for-PS-Vita">TRMK's MK for Vita Forum</a> to get your questions answered, find people to challenge on PlayStation Network and also discuss the game with other fans.
Thats awesome to hear this, and the 16 exclusive costumes have finally been revealed: MK2 Mileena MK2 Skarlet MK2 Subzero MK2 Scorpion MK2 Ermac MK2 Reptile UMK3 Skarlet UMK3 Subzero UMK3 Scorpion UMK3 Reptile UMK3 Noob Saibot UMK3 Human Smoke UMK3 Rain UMK3 Ermac Alt Kenshi Alt Skarlet Please feel free to post or correct me if i missed one cheers!
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