February 12th, 2005
8:05 PM CST -
Game Chronicles Magazine has put up a short interview with Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks producer, Shaun Himmerick. In this interview, Himmerick provides an overal synopsis of the game's art and gameplay elements, including some details on multiple character fatalities dubbed, "Multalities". Read on for more.

GCM: Describe the action-based puzzles. Will they be set apart like a mini-game or more integrated into the plot?
Shaun Himmerick: Nearly all of our action-based puzzles are integrated straight into the game play. The only exception is Test Your Might, can I say that? Sure. We have Test Your Might in the game, of course, and that is a simple mechanic for players, but we try to use it in innovative ways throughout the game, and that it still pretty smoothly integrated into the game play.

For example, one of the areas is set in the Wu Shi academy and there are catapult all around. You can toss enemies up into them and it will send them flying off in various ways to you in another way for you to dispose of enemies. However, some of the catapults must be used to throw enemies into specific items to break down barriers and open up areas for you. We are constantly giving the player new ways to finish off your enemies, some are just for you to have more fun and some must be done to solve the action based puzzles. We really wanted the worlds to be very interactable and useful to the player. With the interactable environments, Fatalities, Multalities, and huge upgradeable move sets of the characters, you are constantly being given more tools at your disposal.

+10 TRMKarma
: rondta

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