August 26th, 1997
12:00 PM CST -
Ed Boon updated his page yesterday with a list of Beta Test sites. Here is the same list with some more details added to them (I'll add handy little map links later, the ones I used didn't want to work from outside the server)...

Just For Fun

445 E Palatine Rd

Arlington Heights, IL 60004-3966

(847) 253-1464

Dennis' Place For Games

955 W. Belmont

Chicago, IL


Golfmill Mall

Niles, IL

Enchanted Castle

1103 S Main St

Lombard, IL 60148

(603) 953-7860

Friar Tuck's Game Center

674 River Oaks Dr

Calumet City, IL 60409

(708) 891-1444

Gala North Lanes aka Galaxy World

170 W North Ave

Carol Stream, IL 60188

(630) 682-0150

Ed's Office

3401 N California Ave

Chicago, IL 60618

(773) PLAY-MK4

(Thats a Joke Number People)

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