October 24th, 2004

Reader Komments from the TRMK Forums:

October 24th, 2004 11:10 AM CST - angelsmommy2002
I will be buying every one. I hope they dont stop this though after a few years. Needs to go forever.
October 24th, 2004 5:51 PM CST - straydd
Been an MK fan for about 12 years and one title a year would be excellent....hope they can keep the quality up though thats my only concern....although special forces was pretty terrible and that mythologies didnt do so well with the press but I loved that game. So as long as they put a little passion in making these games yearly they will get my cash.
October 25th, 2004 8:54 AM CST - Female_Reptile
i'll have to agree, i've been a fan for.. counts fingers... damn a while now... (10 years) and i've been there for ups and downs.... you know what i'm mean (MKA anyone?... special forces? that crappy cartoon?!) but anyway as long as they don't start slacking and getting lazy (overall) i'll be around for the long hall
October 27th, 2004 6:33 PM CST - Havik
I like the idea of a new MK game every year. Who on here wouldn't? But then I hope that they don't become like Madden, with minor changes that should just be called an expansion pack. I don't understand why they are trying an adventure game again!? This has failed with Sub Zero and Jax. What makes them think that it is going to work with Liu Kang and Kung Lao.
October 31st, 2004 5:57 PM CST - -illusion-
One year is not enough to make a perfect MK game.
November 1st, 2004 3:05 PM CST - Havik
Originally Posted by : -illusion-
One year is not enough to make a perfect MK game.
They really have 2 years to work on the game. They just work on 2 at the same time. They said they were switching off and on between a fighter and a adventure or something. And I think in 2 years, that you could defently come upwith a great fighter. How long did it take for MKD to come out? About 2 years? I'm damn happy with this game.
November 1st, 2004 5:49 PM CST - -illusion-
Originally Posted by : Havik
How long did it take for MKD to come out? About 2 years? I'm damn happy with this game.
Me too. But I wish people can stop bickering over, "No secrets". Anyways, I wish the MK Crew could have postponed MK: DA, instead of cramming everything on the last minute. So the point I am trying to make is....I hope they take their time.
November 1st, 2004 9:21 PM CST - Havik
Ahh it was the same thing with MKDA, when everyone found out that there was no extra crap, everyone was pissed. But how much extra stuff can you put in a game? I think in 2 years they can create a pretty good game. There isn't much to improve on with MKD, so I don't think they will have that hard of a time. I just hope they don't pull another Special Forces on us again with Monks.
November 2nd, 2004 5:02 AM CST - GORO
I am happy with what they are doing. I love the games. I to have been a fan for over 12 years.
November 4th, 2004 4:39 PM CST - -illusion-
Originally Posted by : Havik
But how much extra stuff can you put in a game? I think in 2 years they can create a pretty good game.
Let's not forget, MK7 is currently in the works for the next gen-consoles. Therefore, I think that's a lot of work to be done. (You're forgetting that when MK: DA was in the works, they had to start from scratch)
November 7th, 2004 11:13 AM CST - K-Twizzy
I dont like the adventure games. I like the fighitng ones!
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