March 27th, 2011
1:39 PM CST -
Keep in mind the following article may contain minor character spoilers, but as an effort to calm the confusion around DLC in the community it is necessary in this story.

Over the weekend two articles surfaced discussing DLC in the upcoming Mortal Kombat (2011). First an inaccurate article from the May 2011 issue of GamePro surfaced. The article said that DLC was going to be: a new female warrior dressed in red named Skarlett along with the blind warrior Kenshi and the four armed end boss from Mortal Kombat 2: Kintaro. Immediately after the news surfaced, it was said to be wrong by NetherRealm's Executive Producer Shaun Himmerick. We immediately chalked it up as an April Fools Day prank by GamePro, despite being in the May issue, and decided to do some research.

Well then earlier today CVG published an interview with Mortal Kombat's Senior Producer Hans Lo. In the interview Hans confirms that both Scarlet (with a c and one t) and Kenshi will be coming "pretty soon" as DLC. Here is what Hans told CVG:

"[The two we're adding] are Kenshi, who players will recognise from previous MK games, and more excitingly we're adding Scarlet. Anyone who knows the history of Mortal Kombat will tell you that back in the days of the arcade - when they did just palette swap characters to come up with multiple fighters in the game - there was a glitch in one of the old arcade machines that caused the Jade/Katana/Milena female ninja to glitch and turn red. People always thought it was a hidden unlockable character and it wasn't, it was purely a programming glitch. They've always speculated and in fact it was the fans who named her Scarlet to begin with. She's no longer a glitch - she's an actual character, and she'll be coming pretty soon post-launch." - Hans Lo to CVG

The article then goes on to mention that Kintaro is "planned" but doesn't go into detail. At that moment many Mortal Kombat fan sites jumped on board saying the CVG just confirmed the entire GamePro story, despite CVG not calling Kintaro DLC. That's when NetherRealm's Producer Hector Sanchez made the following statement on Twitter:

"I get sad when I see articles that post incorrect information. :( #tigerbloodnotforsale #trustNRS" - Hector Sanchez on Twitter

His "#tigerbloodnotforsale" mention the key thing to look at there. What does this mean?

Well our interpretation of his statement is that Kintaro is in the game already you wont have to pay or download a character that is on the disc already! Also we've personally read some of the files contained within the Mortal Kombat (2011) Demo and Kintaro is actually part of the big 300th Challenge Tower battle amongst other mentions of him that are larger spoilers. Will he be a playable character when the game ships on April 19th? That's yet to be seen.

The clear message here is that NetherRealm Studios is not looking to sell you an unlock code for a character that is on the game disc already, that's why we should "Trust NRS" like Hector said. Whatever they are "planning" for us is clearly going to be in the best interests of the fans.

Also of note, Hector responded to our question about the spelling of the new female character's name. GamePro called her "Skarlett" and CVG called her "Scarlet" and thusly confused the community. Hector said that her name has not been "decided yet" and that she is just "Lady in Red, for now". So there you have it, she should be called Lady in Red until an official statement or reveal comes from NetherRealm studios on this new warrior.

To stay up to date on news like this about the upcoming Mortal Kombat (2011) be sure to follow @TRMK on Twitter and like our Facebook Page.

Reader Komments from the TRMK Forums:

March 27th, 2011 1:45 PM CST - Jade
March 27th, 2011 1:45 PM CST - Sveppi
Yes, Kenshi is by far my fav from the 3D MKs! :D
March 27th, 2011 1:45 PM CST - Taj Gill
Thanks for this Pat, hopefully this ends all the confusion and Dupe threads that are being posted over and over again.
March 27th, 2011 1:48 PM CST - X~I_ATE_MY_HEART~X
The "Lady in Red" better be a free download! i heard she is a secret character you fight somewhere in the challenge tower! that means she is on the disc...Im not paying extra for a character already on the damn disc XD
March 27th, 2011 1:48 PM CST - Patrick McCarron
Originally Posted by : Taj Gill
Thanks for this Pat, hopefully this ends all the confusion and Dupe threads that are being posted over and over again.
Thanks Taj, my goal was to clarify the confusion a bit more as it's clear GamePro's information was inaccurate and should be taken with a pound of salt.
Originally Posted by : X~I_ATE_MY_HEART~X
The "Lady in Red" better be a free download! i heard she is a secret character you fight somewhere in the challenge tower! that means she is on the disc...Im not paying extra for a character already on the damn disc XD
I see no mention of "lady in red" in the game demo code. I see "lady" mentioned only in the title of a challenge tower where you have to fight Jade as Noob: "I'll Hit A Lady"
March 27th, 2011 1:52 PM CST - SabbathBLOODySabbath
I wish things like this were kept secret meaning it should of never been leaked, i guess it happens to every gaming company except rockstar i think lol but oh well good stuff none the less.
March 27th, 2011 1:54 PM CST - Patrick McCarron
Originally Posted by : SabbathBLOODySabbath
I wish things like this were kept secret meaning it should of never been leaked, i guess it happens to every gaming company except rockstar i think lol but oh well good stuff none the less.
In the case of Kintaro it's clear they wanted to announce him at this time, but GamePro looks like they have failed at communicating the message properly to their readers.
March 27th, 2011 1:55 PM CST - Commander
I think that Hector Sanchez's reply was in response to the Kenshi, "Lady in Red," and Kintaro DLC. It doesn't make sense (to me) that they would put Kintaro as DLC, when he could be an NPC Sub-Boss to begin with.
March 27th, 2011 2:11 PM CST - AlistairWonderland
Please don't pick Scarlett or Skarlett...go with Ruby
March 27th, 2011 2:24 PM CST - Cyndrix
Yet again, the gaming media proves to be made up of a bunch of gaming English majors and lacks any actual journalism. What other industry would put up with this nonsense in its trade?
March 27th, 2011 2:37 PM CST - JaxBriggs99
Kenshi is sick
March 27th, 2011 2:42 PM CST - Aquaman
Mileena - Pink Skarlet - Red Jade - Green Kitana - Indigo Frost - Blue Sindel - Purple Tanya - Yellow Li Mei - Purple Khameleon - Rainbow Where's our Grey and Shadow females at?
March 27th, 2011 2:45 PM CST - Ermac210
So Kintaro IS (and always WAS) in the game yet...(I mean, by the spoiled #300 C.Tower mission) btw, we need a brother(sister)hood of shadows girl :D
March 27th, 2011 3:02 PM CST - Noam Bonneau
From Ed Boon's Twitter: "RT @Mun1eco Y R DLC characters already confirmed pre-released and not just added into the game? Noobde: DLC characters are NOT on the disc" Don't know how that figures into the whole matter...
March 27th, 2011 3:29 PM CST - Aquaman
Originally Posted by : Noam Bonneau
From Ed Boon's Twitter: "RT @Mun1eco Y R DLC characters already confirmed pre-released and not just added into the game? Noobde: DLC characters are NOT on the disc" Don't know how that figures into the whole matter...
DLC was planned for the game before it finished production - hence the DLC charcter slots. Even though they were making them at the same time as the game, the DLC characters weren't put on the disc because of space and/or money.
March 27th, 2011 3:30 PM CST - Patrick McCarron
Originally Posted by : Noam Bonneau
From Ed Boon's Twitter: "RT @Mun1eco Y R DLC characters already confirmed pre-released and not just added into the game? Noobde: DLC characters are NOT on the disc" Don't know how that figures into the whole matter...
What people fail to know is the main game was "frozen" a while ago as far as features, etc. So the new DLC characters are being revealed and worked on, just couldn't be done in time to ship with the game. So we get them later and likely for a small fee. I'd gladly pay for new characters, and I know many fans would as well. DLC characters = not on disk Kintaro = on disk, so not DLC
Originally Posted by : Aquaman
DLC characters weren't put on the disc because of space and/or money.
Or time. A lot of time is required to finish a character for a game. Time is money as well, but Time is the main factor here.
March 27th, 2011 4:09 PM CST - Eks
I just hope Kintaro isn't playable. Perhaps that's why they didn't elaborate. He'd be cool as a DLC story boss, too.
March 27th, 2011 4:15 PM CST - yautjared
I don't complain for having to pay for a DLC character, if this means that this way, NRS can have more time for development, and so, release a decent character, reviewed, tested and ready to be downloaded ...... so, I was expecting Skarlett on the final version disc, but, I'm glad she will be in the game anyway, even being a DLC to be released some time after 19th April
March 27th, 2011 4:29 PM CST - Debilitation
I'm pretty sure #tigerblood refers to Charlie Sheen ....
March 27th, 2011 6:36 PM CST - Aldo Moreno
Kenshi! FTW!
March 27th, 2011 7:27 PM CST - 18ShadesofDeath
alien and predator please
March 27th, 2011 8:19 PM CST - Draxxon
correct me if im wrong, but Lady In Red was not a glitch in the old games. i do not recall every seeing this or hearing this. From what i remember she was a Fan Fic character 1st. all i remember is in mk2 there was a rumor of a 2nd green fem ninja named emerald, production photos of becky gable in umk3 wearing red for filming on the blue screen, Ruby from MK:DOTR, and a "reptilian sonya" pallette glitch on MK1 for genesis. So do newer MK team members just make shit up that sounds good, or am i mistaken and there WAS a pallette glitch???
March 28th, 2011 12:00 AM CST - MS3
lol tigerblood...he's obviously referring to Charlie Sheen here. Has any one not picked up on this?
March 28th, 2011 12:03 AM CST - [sek]
All I can think of when seeing the title is this: <object width="480" height="390"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="390"></embed></object>
March 28th, 2011 12:07 AM CST - Patrick McCarron
Originally Posted by : MS3
lol tigerblood...he's obviously referring to Charlie Sheen here. Has any one not picked up on this?
Yes and Kintaro has Tiger Stripes. Double use joke.
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