March 11th, 2011
11:18 AM CST -
The Mortal Kombat (2011) road show continues today landing at PAX East in Boston and at SXSW in Austin, Texas. The second truck tour city stop is in Austin offering people the chance of trying out this week's demo build, while PAX East is offering up the GDC '11 build from a few weeks back.

TRMK Forum member, Osu 16 Bit, is in Boston at PAX East and is tweeting @osu16bit details on the build that is there. Some of the details include descriptions of unseen fatalities, playable roster characters including Kitana, Liu Kang, Ermac, Noob, Kano, Nightwolf, Sonya and Jax. You can follow him for instant updates.

You can discuss the latest findings from either city stop at our Mortal Kombat Truck Tour & PAX East forum.

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