January 11th, 2011
10:57 AM CST -
Earlier today, @MK_XTRA on Twitter discovered more evidence of the Mortal Kombat: HD Kollection that we confirmed last summer. The resume of a freelance 3D Artist lists the game as a project that he did props and environment art for.

March 2009 - Present
Self-Employed | Freelance 3D Artist
Remote contract work for Liquid Development, Streamline Studios, and numerous independent game developers. Major projects includes prop and environment art for Doom 4, Mortal Kombat HD Arcade Kollection and Firefall. In addition, architectural visualisation projects for GSA Architects and Virteer.

Later on in his resume he lists the title information directly, which only lists the PlayStation 3 as the platform the game is coming out on. We still hope that Warner Bros. is looking to make this a timed exclusive and later release it for Xbox 360 owners as well.

Title: Mortal Kombat HD Arcade Kollection
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Platform: Playstation 3

One of the videos on his demo video showcases his 3D environment work, which is very realistic looking. It's likely they are re-creating many of the games' stages for this HD remix, as much of the older stage artwork would need to be recreated for the larger HD resolutions.

Mortal Kombat 3 was the first game where they started modeling the stage environments in 3D. That means the backgrounds and some objects for the older games would have be re-created in 3D where old usable 3D models no longer existed. This process was recently done to varying degrees of success by EA Mobile in their iPhone port of Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 where some stages look very close to the originals and others look drastically different.

Since the November 2010 date came and went it was discovered that both Blockbuster and FYE both have a early March 2011 release dates listed. That would be a good time to release it if it does still include a playable Mortal Kombat (2011) demo as the leaked cover art previously revealed. But some international retailers are listing the game for June 2011 release date. So time will tell on this, as development of games are no easy task, and we'd rather them make it right instead of rushing it. We are sure Warner Bros will announce it once they are ready.

Thanks to KornKombat for bringing this news bit to our attention. And thanks to fraysol, ShawnBronald and Morbyr for the newer rumored release dates.

Update 1/12: With no surprise the job listings have been removed from the artist's website. At his request we also have removed links to his name and website due to being contacted by far too many MK fans begging for information. So we highly request fans don't try reach out to him as he'd be unable to mention the project officially due to any work related NDA he would have signed.

Reader Komments from the TRMK Forums:

January 11th, 2011 11:31 AM CST - fraysol
I was the one who brought up the blockbuster date... The date only means it's availability for mailing for game rental. It was the same date for need for seed 2010 game that came out nov. 17.
January 11th, 2011 11:36 AM CST - Commander
Originally Posted by : Patrick McCarron
I recommend everyone check out his website's demo reel to check out the great work he does. The second video on the reel showcases his 3D environment work, which is top notch. It's likely they re-created many of the stages for this HD remix, as much of the older artwork was likely not scalable to HD resolutions
Pat, Please fix the link. The link takes us to the previous HD Kollection announcement made back in August, NOT the demo reel site. http://www.trmk.org/news/13089/mortal_kombat_hd_kollection_confirmed_in_development.html
January 11th, 2011 11:39 AM CST - Patrick McCarron
Originally Posted by : fraysol
I was the one who brought up the blockbuster date... The date only means it's availability for mailing for game rental. It was the same date for need for seed 2010 game that came out nov. 17.
Thanks I've added your credit along with other game dates that have been popping up. Too many too add them all, but one will eventually be correct.
Originally Posted by : Araknyd03
Pat, Please fix the link. The link takes us to the previous HD Kollection announcement made back in August, NOT the demo reel site.
Thanks I fixed that too!
January 11th, 2011 11:41 AM CST - ShawnBronald
First of all, this is cool news. Pat, have you tried contacting Mr. Dalmastro for comment yet? I'm sure he can't say too much, but perhaps he could give a timeline as to when he started and/or when he finished. In regards to the Blockbuster date, that's been going around for a while. Also, did you notice the date for Blockbuster is the rental date.... not a release date. Blockbuster often will have a "Rent by Mail" date that's a month or more ahead of the game's actual release date. I'm not saying this is the case for the HD Kollection, but who knows. Finally, have you seen this ( http://www.fye.com/Mortal-Kombat--HD-Arcade-Kollection--PlayStation-3--Front-Page_stcVVproductId115207133VVcatId455366VVviewprod.htm ) yet? It lists a March 3, 2011 date. Hhm.......
January 11th, 2011 11:46 AM CST - threadwood
January 11th, 2011 11:48 AM CST - Patrick McCarron
Thanks Shawn I added that as well. We haven't contacted Mr. Dalmastro as I'm sure he'll be getting enough heat from WB for listing the project all together.
January 11th, 2011 11:50 AM CST - ShawnBronald
Originally Posted by : threadwood
i don't mean any offense when i say this but you guys really need to understand the concept of HD better before you make these MK HD Kollection "updates". it makes you look silly when you say things like "likely not scalable to HD resolution". also, why would they need someone who specializes in motion control and 3D environments for a 2D video game? finally, in my opinion his portfolio really isn't that impressive when compared to other professionals in his field. his 2D/illustration work is just atrocious.
What makes you feel any of us don't fully understand the concept of High Definition??? Please enlighten us, if you would. Regarding the 3D environments.... um... there are backgrounds that can be rendered in 3D. Would you want flat, 2D backgrounds in a stunning HD game? Play some Marvel vs. Capcom 2 and you'll hopefully understand how a 2D game can have 3D backgrounds. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if Goro, Sheeva, Kintaro and Motaro are rendered in 3D rather than remade with clay models (not sure they'd look as good that way in high definition). That all makes sense, right?
January 11th, 2011 11:53 AM CST - Patrick McCarron
Originally Posted by : threadwood
i don't mean any offense when i say this but you guys really need to understand the concept of HD better before you make these MK HD Kollection "updates". it makes you look silly when you say things like "likely not scalable to HD resolution". also, why would they need someone who specializes in motion control and 3D environments for a 2D video game? finally, in my opinion his portfolio really isn't that impressive when compared to other professionals in his field. his 2D/illustration work is just atrocious. to clarify, it's still a very cool update and thank you for sharing. good to see there is further proof that the project exists at all.
Maybe you don't understand. The backgrounds in the games are static graphics in the old arcade games, but some of them were actually rendered in 3D (all of MK3's backgrounds I believe) before rendered out to 2D game graphics files. These old 2D graphics will not upscale cleanly to HD resolutions, so they have to make new graphics where old source graphics don't exist (MK1, MK2 and maybe parts of MK3) So they are likely either updating the backgrounds to be fully 3D polygons (like UMK3 for the iPhone did) or they'll just render again the newly created backgrounds to flat 2D artwork. So they'd clearly need someone with 3D experience to do this, and since NetherRealm Studios needs their guys to focus on MK9 then WB would have to bring in someone to do this. The whole updating backgrounds to 3D was also done for Street Fighter 2 HD Remix.
January 11th, 2011 1:15 PM CST - thexx25
At last, news about this game !! Thanks TRMK, you're still number one !! Ah, so it does exist, and be in store in 2011... that's enough for me ! I'm happy !
January 11th, 2011 1:26 PM CST - threadwood
January 11th, 2011 1:56 PM CST - Kamal
Man, I seriously have been more pumped for the HD Kollection over the new MK ever since you posted the original news story about it! No one has even attempted an HD game with digitized actors before! This game (if done right) will look like nothing else out there!
January 11th, 2011 2:06 PM CST - Eks
I'm gonna be really disappointed if it's actually a PS3 exclusive.
January 11th, 2011 2:15 PM CST - Patrick McCarron
Originally Posted by : threadwood
i don't mean any offense when i say this but you guys really need to understand the concept of HD better before you make these MK HD Kollection "updates". it makes you look silly when you say things like "likely not scalable to HD resolution".
Originally Posted by : threadwood
as for HD, i've been through all of this on another Mortal Kombat HD thread, and i don't feel like explaining it again, so you can go find it Shawn. i said the "upscaling" comment sounded silly, because it is silly.
I very much understand what "HD" is. I make video games for a living, all of which I recently had to upgrade the game graphics for a higher resolution. So I understand how graphics, HD, scaling, etc work. This is a screenshot of MK2 for the Arcade which runs at a screen resolution of 399x253 which is what arcades call <b>STANDARD RESOLUTION</b>. So when MK2 runs on the PS3 today, it's image is upscaled by a factor of 4.27 to make it become 1080p. It looks blurry and very crappy when it's done, if you've played this version you'd understand that it's not ideal to upscale the game in such a way to reach maximum visual fidelity. In my experience it's much better to re-create artwork at a higher resolution instead of just upscaling the existing graphics, which is what they are doing for MK HD from what I can tell with new actors and artists re-creating the environments. Which is what my post was trying to say. Should I have said: "as much of the older artwork was likely not scalable to HD resolutions"? Probably not as it wasn't super clear, so I changed it to "as much of the older stage artwork would need to be recreated for the larger HD resolutions" Either way it didn't call for your "holier than thou" attitude.
January 11th, 2011 2:33 PM CST - Nasty_Freak
Understood. But I'll probably rent it before I decide to actually get it.
January 11th, 2011 2:52 PM CST - Eks
Thanks, Pat. Now I'm absolutely salivating this shit. Seeing the Living Forest in HD???? 0_0
January 11th, 2011 3:03 PM CST - Kamal
Here guys. This is an example of the fidelity and quality changes that must occur for the MK HD Kollection. And because MK uses digitized actors, not sprites like other 2D fighters they must go back and recapture every single frame of animation for all characters with HD cameras. Trust me it is going to look amazing! Just look at the size of the original Ryu sprite on the far left. Imagine that being a MK character now look at the HD Remaster of Ryu. The difference in size is immense!! The Ryu just to the left of the HD sprite is what you are playing with if you own MK II or UMK 3 on PS3 or 360 , an up-res'd sprite. Again, as you can see the jump in quality will be quite significant.
January 11th, 2011 7:22 PM CST - jarvis653
Lots of thanks for this news Pat, I've had doubts in the past regarding your source (particularly about the visual upgrade) but this update has put those to rest. Apologies for my skepticism. On a side note, does anyone know the artist(s) responsible for the iPhone UMK3 backgrounds?
January 11th, 2011 8:46 PM CST - threadwood
January 12th, 2011 4:31 AM CST - thexx25
dear Eks & threadwook, i suggest you make a Mortal Kombat online in april, when MK9 will be release ! Y That's what fighting games are made for...
January 12th, 2011 8:28 AM CST - skillz
the new dates give some hope. I was starting to believe that the game got cancelled. Did Blockbuster and FYE had this game on their website before and they just updated the info with a new releasedate? anyone remembers?
January 12th, 2011 9:02 AM CST - fraysol
@skillz no the release date was on blockbuster for months now and hasn't changed. There site for game rentals through there mailing services puts it availability months from the actual release date. I am not sure about fye. But per blockbuster the game should have been in stores by now in which we now that is not true.
January 12th, 2011 9:55 AM CST - threadwood
January 12th, 2011 12:46 PM CST - ShawnBronald
I noticed this morning that if you search Mortal Kombat HD Kollection on Twitter, lots (and lots) of people are talking about it. I'm not so keen on Twitter, but does anyone know what it takes to get a certain topic or key words "trending"? Seeing as there are many non-MK sources mentioning it, I wonder if enough MK fans talk about it, if it might start to trend. And if it did.... wouldn't you think WB, Ed, Rigo or someone would almost have to acknowledge it somehow? It's doubtful any of it would work (the trending part alone), but what does everyone else think?
January 12th, 2011 2:26 PM CST - Patrick McCarron
Due to NDAs none of the WB staff would mention it, even if they have knowledge of it. This guy made a mistake by listing it on his website. And due to the MILLIONS of people on Twitter it'd take quite a bit to make anything trend. Also I amended the story to remove links and name of the artist at his request. Too many of you fans reached out to him and flooded his inbox so we wanted to help make his life a little easier.
January 12th, 2011 2:38 PM CST - ShawnBronald
Originally Posted by : Patrick McCarron
Due to NDAs none of the WB staff would mention it, even if they have knowledge of it. This guy made a mistake by listing it on his website. And due to the MILLIONS of people on Twitter it'd take quite a bit to make anything trend. Also I amended the story to remove links and name of the artist at his request. Too many of you fans reached out to him and flooded his inbox so we wanted to help make his life a little easier.
I understand, it was worth a try. As I said, I'm not so keen on Twitter's inner workings, so I wasn't even sure what it took to get something "trending". On a related note, there are still many people talking about it (though most are just posting links "confirming" the game). It's interesting, nonetheless. Regarding people bothering the artist, that's really a shame, but I'm not entirely surprised. When I first read the story, I was tempted to contact him, but felt it would be extremely rude and inconsiderate. Should have known other fans wouldn't go through that same thought process. I hoped it would only be a select few Mortal Kombat fan site webmasters that contacted him at all, rather then tons of random "mk hd info pleeeze!!!111" emails. ::facepalm:: I hope he doesn't get in trouble and that people leave him be for now.
January 13th, 2011 2:27 AM CST - MajorWeirdo
Right before the new info was leaked, I found a gamesretailer here in Belgium that listed MK HD on their website with a release date in January 2011. So I reached out to them and asked wether they could give me any specifics on the game (release date wise) and they replied that they had it listed for March 2011 now... I hope it does see the inside of my PS3 sometime... would be awesome to have 2011 being a complete MK year !!!
January 13th, 2011 7:32 AM CST - threadwood
January 13th, 2011 9:06 AM CST - Shujinko
hi guys... spoke to THE ARTIST (about MK HD)... please remove any links to his website or any mention of him working on .... thnx! MK_XTRA (Shujinko is my TRMK.org account)
January 13th, 2011 10:09 PM CST - ShawnBronald
I decided to write an email to FYE in regards to the HD Kollection today about the date (3/3/2011) they have listed on their site. Here is their response:
So basically, their supplier has told them they will receive their shipment of the HD Kollection in early March. Not sure what all this means, but there you go.
January 13th, 2011 10:57 PM CST - Eks
Originally Posted by : ShawnBronald
Not sure what all this means...
As we've already witnessed, it doesn't necessarily mean anything.
January 13th, 2011 11:12 PM CST - ShawnBronald
Originally Posted by : Eks
As we've already witnessed, it doesn't necessarily mean anything.
'Tis very true.
January 14th, 2011 12:05 AM CST - Patrick McCarron
Originally Posted by : Shujinko
hi guys... spoke to THE ARTIST (about MK HD)... please remove any links to his website or any mention of him working on .... thnx! MK_XTRA (Shujinko is my TRMK.org account)
We did as he contacted us, we removed his name and everything else as you can see here in the thread. You are the one who just mentioned him again. So I edited your post to remove his name.
January 14th, 2011 2:31 AM CST - MajorWeirdo
Originally Posted by : Patrick McCarron
You are the one who just mentioned him again. So I edited your post to remove his name.
Bad Bad Shujinko !!
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