November 5th, 2010
1:43 PM CST -
Part two of episode two of the MKast video podcast has now been posted to YouTube. The crew at NetherRealm Studios continues to talk extensively about how much progress the game has made from the first E3 build to the PAX Prime demo. A lot of time is also devoted to the overall process of character balance and the hooks that the team has put into place in order to tweak these balancing issues on the fly without having to patch the game.

FYI, you must be logged into YouTube in order to see the video. In addition, you must be older than 17 to view the video due to ESRB regulations compliance.

We expect the following two parts of this extensive Q+A episode of MKast to continue to follow every week or so.

Reader Komments from the TRMK Forums:

November 12th, 2010 1:26 PM CST - MikeRib
The more I see stuff about this game, the more impatient I get for it. Just think about all the stuff that is going to be in this that they are not telling us about. I can't wait for this.
November 15th, 2010 4:32 PM CST - Kamal
Yeah I get more excited as well but I really hope they fix their physics engine with this game. Mileena's face should not be stretching out like it does during leaping onto opponents. (Screengrab straight from the MKast video) They also need to fix the physics because MK 2011 still has Legacy Bugs from MK vs DCU. (FYI - Legacy Bugs are bugs that have existed in previous versions of a game franchise and don't get fixed in the new iterations) Here is Scorpions Loin Cloth stretching out super far due to a bug. A bug that was definitely in MK vs DCU:
November 17th, 2010 2:29 PM CST - kergon
According to the MK and ninjaboy66 twitters, MKast 2.3 is coming on Friday 11/19, or a 'backup video' if the MKast isn't finished. I think the backup video will be the Subzero combo video, similar to the Scorpion one. I also think that MKast 2.3 will be better or have more info than the other two parts.
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