Today, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and NetherRealm Studios are unleashing an all-new website for the highly-anticipated video game Mortal Kombat releasing in 2011 for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. A first for the franchise, will showcase six legendary characters including Scorpion, Sub-Zero and Mileena giving fans an unprecedented look into their unique history and backgrounds. The site will also feature a full arsenal of kommunity features including: MKasts, discussion boards and Kombat Chat. The site will be updated every Monday in conjunction with Mortal Mondays.
Mortal Kombat also has a vibrant community on Facebook featuring an all new asset packed Facebook app as well as an active community on Twitter. Check out the Facebook page at and join the Twitter conversation @mk_mortalkombat.
Mortal Kombat is the most brutal installment of the landmark fighting game to date for release on the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system and Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft in 2011.The game is being developed by the newly re-named NetherRealm Studios, led by Mortal Kombat creator and creative director Ed Boon.
Originally Posted by : JinkoI never knew how a website would serve as an announcement for a game, that'll be a proper press release sent out to everyone. Likely some magazine/major website will get the exclusive unveil.
This is brilliant! So everyone who was hoping for the announcement of MKHDK will be disappointed right?
Originally Posted by : kontankariteLOL. Now both SubZero and Scorpion are back from the dead (killed by each other), and still want to kill each other again.
Wait a god damned minute.... Sub-Zero's bio includes Noob-SAIBOT! Not trying to get everyone worked up, but wasn't there a reason Noob Saibot became Noob-Smoke in the past?? Maybe I'm just over-reacting.
Originally Posted by : kergonReally seems like Noob wont be in now. Still what will become of the young Sub-Zero? Glad to have an Evil Sub-Zero this time myself.
LOL. Now both SubZero and Scorpion are back from the dead (killed by each other), and still want to kill each other again.
Originally Posted by : XxJadexXThe way I read it the countdowns will unlock stuff for the most popular character. So when everyone gets signed up the one that has the most fans will get new renders and videos and stuff like that. This could get ugly but it sounds like fun! Let's go Team Subby!
Dumb how everyone is ranked #1 when it should just be Raiden <.< I think maybe the rank has to do with that chat.
Originally Posted by : kontankariteOh I'm not ruling him out just saying that with it being Sub-Zero back from the dead it seems unlikely to get Noob too. I would love to have Noob with new moves of his own but I'm guess he will just be an alternate costume for Sub-Zero.
It didn't say Noob Saibot WASN'T in there. Read it again. Let me stress. What's the odds that Tobias is back with the team? I don't really know, but they are calling Noob Saibot, NOOB SAIBOT. o_0
Originally Posted by : kontankariteBoon and Tobias still regularly talk to each other and hang out. So I am not surprised that he's able to use the original name.
It didn't say Noob Saibot WASN'T in there. Read it again. Let me stress. What's the odds that Tobias is back with the team? I don't really know, but they are calling Noob Saibot, NOOB SAIBOT. o_0
Originally Posted by : kontankariteDon't know. That's the exact full size picture (with a white background) of the character, straight from the site, without the background or foreground stuff.
Also, why is there a big shadow superimposed over Sub Zero?
Originally Posted by : kergonI have perfect versions of them all, copied directly from the website. They just got messed up due to format on uploading. I'll upload them properly tomorrow, retiring for the night.
Here's a better image of Raiden that's not so pixelated:If you want I could get better versions of the others.
Originally Posted by : XxJadexXdon't be bias, everyone knows it should be scorpion as #1. hahaha
Dumb how everyone is ranked #1 when it should just be Raiden <.< I think maybe the rank has to do with that chat.
Originally Posted by : kontankariteYou read my thoughts, they took off his name back then for copyright reasons. If Tobias is back, you can bet that the storyline will be complete and solo mode flawless!! PS: I never liked Noob smoke anyway...
Wait a god damned minute.... Sub-Zero's bio includes Noob-SAIBOT! Not trying to get everyone worked up, but wasn't there a reason Noob Saibot became Noob-Smoke in the past?? Maybe I'm just over-reacting.
Originally Posted by : ProphetHow so? I see no hints to any character.
Although, it IS fairly obvious that the hidden fighter is Kitana.
Originally Posted by : EtryusLet's not jump to conclusions. Remember this game goes BACK to when he was still Noob Saibot and didn't hang out with Smoke all day. Sure they can use the name Saibot without Tobias joining the team. From what I've heard he's done with the video games industry.
You read my thoughts, they took off his name back then for copyright reasons. If Tobias is back, you can bet that the storyline will be complete and solo mode flawless!!
Originally Posted by : Araknyd03Well except that their past history is their BIO in MK9. Remember we're going BACK in time for MK9. Not going forward. So this is all about what they were all up to just before the events in MK1-3 happen. So it's their known history. We may actually get to see some of these histories work themselves out in story mode too!
Exactly my thoughts. This may not represent their MK 9 story, just their past history.
Originally Posted by : Patrick McCarronI'm so confused. Didn't Scorpion kill Sub Zero AFTER the events of MK1? From MK II onward, it was the Younger Brother, as Sub Zero. How is he the Resurrected Original Sub Zero, before MK1 even began?
Well except that their past history is their BIO in MK9. Remember we're going BACK in time for MK9. Not going forward. So this is all about what they were all up to just before the events in MK1-3 happen. So it's their known history. We may actually get to see some of these histories work themselves out in story mode too!
Originally Posted by : ProphetAnyone know how to get back to the character select screen? I can seem to find it but on the the ??? looked like a silhouette of Johnny Cage. Just going by the hair but I didn't look at it too close because I has just too pumped to get into it.
This site is really filled with a bunch of goodies that both keeps the recipients happy and curious. Although, it IS fairly obvious that the hidden fighter is Kitana. However, I will register as soon as the registration is up.
Originally Posted by : TioSharddon't stress about the plot dude...for all we know it's still a work in progress...
The whole Scorpion and Sub Zero thing confuses me to no end. It seems Scorpion is currently trying to get revenge on Sub Zero for killing him which would make him currently set in MK 1. Yet Sub Zero seems to have already been killed and come back from the dead which should mean he is currently set sort of inbetween MK 2 and 3? I really don't understand how that's going to work?
Originally Posted by : Patrick McCarronYou can tell from the silhouette plus its going with the theme of rivalries too
How so? I see no hints to any character.
Originally Posted by : Tim StaticYeah, I assumed it was Kitana too.
You can tell from the silhouette plus its going with the theme of rivalries too
Originally Posted by : reptilesmileIt would kick butt if they restyled the UMK3 version to look more like that. @_@
after seeing scorpions lair i am so repumped for this game mk hd kollection who??
Originally Posted by : Patrick McCarronWell, Scorpion and Sub-Zero are both sworn enemies, as is Raiden and Shao Kahn. Mileena, and... Liu Kang? It doesn't add up. Plus the pattern of the characters. Bad, good, bad good, bad good. It definitely must be Kitana. And just for kicks, kitana in her MK9 outfits has a headband that works with the silhouette.
How so? I see no hints to any character.
Originally Posted by : Nic-VWhat confused the hell out of me, is that all these events in his bio, point to this stuff happening BEFORE the first tournament. Kind of makes it seem like he was killed before MK 1 began, and is now resurrected. It also seems to approve the notion of Noob Saibot, then disprove it at the same time, when it says: "Now he emerges with untold secrets of the afterlife propelling him fearlessly into the bloodiest battles." How is he dead and back as Sub-Zero, if he was dead and back as Noob Saibot? He died twice? WTF???
I think Sub-Zero's bio is extremely confusing. First it says Scorpion killed him and so he become Noob Saibot and his brother became Sub-Zero. This is all fine but then it says Sub-Zero has knowledge of the afterlife, but that can't be his brother it has to be Noob. And there's your problem! Which of them is the actual character? The developers said he's old Sub-Zero, and he does seem pretty bent on destruction, but if so where the hell did Noob and young Sub go!? xD
Originally Posted by : ProphetThat's an Asian dude's facial structure and that's just how he parts his hair. Her hair is a lot higher/longer than that, too. Kitana has already been revealed, so Liu fits since there are rumors of a new character to be revealed as well. Oh and both Sub and Scorpion are essentially rival clan members, so they're good and bad at the same time. Not to mention that that's a silly argument to begin with. That's Liu.
Well, Scorpion and Sub-Zero are both sworn enemies, as is Raiden and Shao Kahn. Mileena, and... Liu Kang? It doesn't add up. Plus the pattern of the characters. Bad, good, bad good, bad good. It definitely must be Kitana. And just for kicks, kitana in her MK9 outfits has a headband that works with the silhouette.
Originally Posted by : XxJadexXI really think you're stretching with that "sliver of red". We can all debate a silhouette all we want, but the fact to the matter is that we don't know who it is, so there's no real point in exclaiming that it IS Liu Kang. It seems alot more logical for it to be Kitana. It's not even necessary that it's a face shot, so we can't really talk about 'angles' when it's a silhouette of something we don't even know.
Yeah, just look to the left and you will see the sliver of red that resembles a headband. Here ya go, I lightened up the picture so you can see it:
Originally Posted by : Prophetlol, I never said it is Liu Kang...I actually said it could be him or possibly Nightwolf, like someone else suggested. Again, because of the lack of hair height (and manly looking face outline, imo), I am personally ruling out Kitana, and I think that person in the other thread was correct when saying that shadow there is a headband.
I really think you're stretching with that "sliver of red". We can all debate a silhouette all we want, but the fact to the matter is that we don't know who it is, so there's no real point in exclaiming that it IS Liu Kang. It seems alot more logical for it to be Kitana. It's not even necessary that it's a face shot, so we can't really talk about 'angles' when it's a silhouette of something we don't even know.
Originally Posted by : ProphetThe hairline defines pretty clearly which was the face is turned and Kitana's mask is more defined that any of the bumps on the right of that silhouette. There are too many factors that point to it being him to believe it's anyone else. GameTrailers is supposed reveal a new character soon, and since he hasn't been officially announced, that's evidence for it being him. They've also got what seems like a placeholder on (LINK), and there isn't one for any of the other people who've been revealed (aside from the 5 on there already), including Kitana. That silhouette looks like him, too. Of course you won't know until they actually reveal it, but this sounds more like a desperate attempt to justify your skepticism than a decent argument. It's Liu.
I just don't understand how everyone can talk about facial structure, you're relying on the edge of a silhouette. Who's to say that's even a face looking to the right? Mileena's isn't. Perhaps that thing on the right of the silhouette going up to where the hair part looks is actually an arm up to it's elbow? Maybe it's Kitana holding fans up? There's really way too many factors to rule in to conclude it's Liu Kang at all. At this point, we don't know. And if we knew, then it wouldn't be an unrevealed character.
Originally Posted by : Sub-ZeroThat's why included that last sentence. We won't KNOW who it is, but there are plenty of signs that give away who it actually is.
I think what Prophet is trying to say is there's too many "Oh it's for sure Liu, no doubt about it." comments. None of us know for sure, and yeah maybe all the evidence points to him, and it very well could be. But until we know for sure, well, we don't know.
Originally Posted by : Sub-ZeroIt generates hype, like this thread.
Besides, if this team of developers is really taking MK back to it's roots then they're doing all of this to mess with us and will reveal someone completely different when they do announce who '???' is.
Originally Posted by : MK_StrykerMaybe in 12 days, we can.
I still can't register.... >_<
Originally Posted by : letsgofitIt's been posted before, but it's still too early to believe an exact date is absolute. Too many factors could change the date, and I think "Spring 2011" is fine until we actually get to 2-3 months before release time.
don't know if this has been already posted, but there's something new on, and it says that the new MK will be out april 19th 2011. here's the link :
Originally Posted by : EksAgreed 100%
It's been posted before, but it's still too early to believe an exact date is absolute. Too many factors could change the date, and I think "Spring 2011" is fine until we actually get to 2-3 months before release time.
Originally Posted by : abrasmith89wutt? all i know is i saw my name in there
That post to contain many links over hear like EKs ,letsgofit,mk_stryker, reptilesmile. It is so interesting website to contained something new about every feather and every creativity some modification are also required Too many factors are interesting. In EKs There are too many factors that point to it being him to believe it's anyone else.