Thanks to our eagle eyed "Kanadian" reader,
Umon Daisuke, we have discovered that the Mortal Kombat films are coming to Blu-ray finally on March 23rd, 2010. There is bad news though, as it'll be sold in Canada only via the distribution company Alliance which is known for fast Blu-ray releases with no extra features. So while the movie itself may be all you get, it should look far better than the previous DVD release from 1997 when DVD was still a new technology and was inferior quality wise to the superior Laserdisc release.
Don't despair fans, there is good news, as any diehard Mortal Kombat fan in the US can order the movie from Canada and play it here in the US with no problems on their Blu-ray player of choice! Those interested can pre-order your copies today from Amazon's Canadan branch
Amazon.ca and have them shipped here for around $27 US Dollars each.
Mortal Kombat Blu-ray @ Amazon.ca
Mortal Kombat Annihilation Blu-ray @ Amazon.ca
We have pre-ordered the first movie and will do a review with an in-depth comparison when it arrives. Also note the image on the right is not the official cover art for the release, we haven't been able to find that yet.