Game Politics is reporting that Mortal Kombat movie production company
Threshold Entertainment is
seeking to gain partial ownership rights of some of the Mortal Kombat intellectual property, including film and television rights. Here is an excerpt from
their complaint sent to the US Bankrupcy Court.
The Mortal Kombat series, as it stands today, is far more a creation of Threshold and Kasanoff than of Midway. Midway's creative input was almost entirely limited to the videogames. On their own, the videogames provided only minimal back-story and mythology, and only flat, "stock" characters... Kasanoff and Threshold were responsible for virtually all of the creative input that went into turning the videogame concept into a multimedia enterprise.
This is highly unusual seeing as appears to fans that his company
Threshold Entertainment stopped supporting the Mortal Kombat franchise many years ago. Just look at their website which hasn't been updated in over five years, and has no real great content to speak of that could benefit the series. Not to mention they never got around to releasing the fan favorite TV series,
Mortal Kombat Conquest on DVD, or even given fans better quality releases of the original movies.
Not to mention the outrageous "flat, stock characters" claim, which can be easily disputed by reading
Gamespot's History of Mortal Kombat (which was co-written by TRMK's own
Jeff Greeson) and almost entirely sourced by the games themselves.
It is likely that this could hold up the Midway sale process which
was to wrap in the next few weeks. We personally hope that Threshold loses their claim of ownership rights so a better studio, like Warner Bros. maybe, can properly re-introduce the world to the Mortal Kombat universe via film someday.