November 12th, 2008
12:01 PM CST -
Major Nelson, the Director of Programming for Xbox Live, has just announced today that Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 has been added to the Arcade Hits program on Xbox Live. That means the game is now available for half the price at 400 MS Points ($5 USD)!

So if any of you were holding out, it just got a whole lot cheaper to pick up the game. It will also gives everyone a refresher course on some classic 2D MK fighting with the much anticipated Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe just five days away.

Reader Komments from the TRMK Forums:

November 12th, 2008 12:39 PM CST - Tim Static
Wuhoo!!! The most complete, balanced 2d MK!! Yessssss sir!!!
November 12th, 2008 3:25 PM CST - The 7th Number
Too bad xbox 360 has a shitty Dpad.
November 12th, 2008 3:57 PM CST - Patrick McCarron
Originally Posted by : The 7th Number
Too bad xbox 360 has a shitty Dpad.
Europe got a new controller, not sure if it has the new DPad that was rumored or not.
November 12th, 2008 4:06 PM CST - DCR
I'm very curious about that. I still don't have a 360, but since I plan on getting one and I'm a big fan of 2D games, a decent D-pad is pretty important. I've heard about the revamped D-pad, but I've also heard that it's in limited quantities as oppose to every new controller being outfitted with one. Anyone know the deal with that?
November 12th, 2008 4:55 PM CST - Patrick McCarron
It's supposed to be the new green one. It should be available in the UK, but it seems hard to find. Going to do research to see if people have cracked it open to find the new DPad inside. It was also supposed to come out in the US later this year, but I can't find any mark of it anywhere now.
November 12th, 2008 5:11 PM CST - Tim Static
Originally Posted by : The 7th Number
Too bad xbox 360 has a shitty Dpad.
Originally Posted by : DeathcoreRyknow
I'm very curious about that. I still don't have a 360, but since I plan on getting one and I'm a big fan of 2D games, a decent D-pad is pretty important. I've heard about the revamped D-pad, but I've also heard that it's in limited quantities as oppose to every new controller being outfitted with one. Anyone know the deal with that?
Remedy: You can get this at a Gamestop, and they have a Gamestop "brand" or the MadCatz (same pad). It comes in black or white, and is wired. (which is what you want for a fighting game anyway) It retails for about $20-$25. ORrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.......... get a custom made arcade stick. Get it in MK layout, or SF layout. or Hybrid (6 button SF layout w/ Run) either way, you got a good reason to DL it :D
November 12th, 2008 5:24 PM CST - boJac
Hooray! I think I'll download UMK3 now.
November 12th, 2008 9:27 PM CST - MKF30-mkdc
Originally Posted by : Tim Static
Remedy: You can get this at a Gamestop, and they have a Gamestop "brand" or the MadCatz (same pad). It comes in black or white, and is wired. (which is what you want for a fighting game anyway) It retails for about $20-$25. ORrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.......... get a custom made arcade stick. Get it in MK layout, or SF layout. or Hybrid (6 button SF layout w/ Run) either way, you got a good reason to DL it :D
Nice!! Now THAT'S a good D-pad controller, not that pos excuse for PS3 and 360 default lol.
November 12th, 2008 10:08 PM CST - Tim Static
Originally Posted by : MKF30-mkdc
Nice!! Now THAT'S a good D-pad controller, not that pos excuse for PS3 and 360 default lol.
eh, its not THAT great. And the Dual Shock d-pad is still better than those.
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