October 11th, 2004

Reader Komments from the TRMK Forums:

October 11th, 2004 12:39 PM CST - Jay92323
I was watching a preview for this new collection that midway is releasing and I noticed that it had ultimate mortal kombat 3 in the preview (it had rain, ermac, scorpion, etc). Does anyone know if this collection has the ultimate version of mk3? If so that'd be pretty sweet.
October 11th, 2004 12:52 PM CST - Jeff Greeson
Originally Posted by : Jay92323
I was watching a preview for this new collection that midway is releasing and I noticed that it had ultimate mortal kombat 3 in the preview (it had rain, ermac, scorpion, etc). Does anyone know if this collection has the ultimate version of mk3? If so that'd be pretty sweet.
No this is regular MK3, with Smoke unlocked with 1090222234 as the UKK.
October 13th, 2004 12:23 AM CST - Patrick McCarron
Both my local GameStop and EB Games said the game comes out tomorrow (Wednesday).
October 13th, 2004 10:59 PM CST - MKJohn
I picked it up today. It's pretty cool to play these games again since I haven't played them for quite some time. There seems to be some sound issues with the games though. For example, the music just cut out during the ending credits of MKII. What gives? Either way, it's still nostalgic fun. Bring on Midway's Arcade Treasures 3 with MK4!
November 7th, 2004 11:30 AM CST - K-Twizzy
I need to get this. Is MK I realeased for Xbox in any compliation discs?
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