October 26th, 2008
10:03 PM CST -
Kotaku has come to give us a large batch of Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe news this weekend. Their initial impressions are very positive after a long hands on session with the game recently, and they continue to love the game. This time they got to play a bit of the single player Story Mode for the first time. They thought the mode was really well executed, way better than they expected.
The story mode also helps explain exactly why the Mortal Kombat and DC universes are crossing over. That "Rage" mode, the reason why Captain Marvel and Green Lantern would ever fight each other, and just how Scorpion winds up in the Batcave are all explained rather elegantly through these scenes.

They also reveal a new feature, a Model Viewer that is being included with the game. So players can rotate the character models in any angle they'd like to see, something simple yet fun for the fans. They retrieved info on what some possible DLC could be. If things go well additional "alternate reality" costumes for the DC characters could be downloadable in the future. Currently they are hashing out things with DC on this idea, so keep your fingers crossed for some DLC in the future. I think a game like Mortal Kombat can really benefit from additional achievable and purchasable DLC, and I can't wait to see what Midway get out out there for us.

Kotaku also broke some controversial news that some of the fatalities in Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe had to be toned down a bit to make the Teen Rating by the ESRB.

Anyway, it's been changed up a bit, toned down to just slightly less than awesome to secure that highly coveted T-rating that Midway and Warner Bros. are so adamant about. In the latest build, Joker still whips out his prank gun, a "BANG!" flag unfurling. Unfortunately, you won't see the follow up of Joker shooting someone in the face; that actually happens off screen now, the headshot safely out of sight.

This is not surprising as many games and films over time have had to make sacrifices and cuts to make a specific rating. In this case I know Midway's team tried their hardest to push the limits of that T rating. I think once the fans get their hands on the game, they'll quickly forget that the game is rated T at all when the red blood is spraying over the screen in their first fight.

Reader Komments from the TRMK Forums:

October 26th, 2008 10:28 PM CST - Tim Static
Another reason they shouldnt be showing us Fatalities 3 months before release...
October 26th, 2008 10:46 PM CST - boJac
More great news. I'd rather have a good game that I can enjoy for hours on end than graphic fatalities.
October 26th, 2008 10:58 PM CST - Jinko
After thinking about it, the Joker's fatality will run for only 10 seconds. I'll be playing the game for hours. Doesn't really matter that much I guess.
October 27th, 2008 12:09 AM CST - Tim Static
Originally Posted by : boJac
More great news. I'd rather have a good game that I can enjoy for hours on end than graphic fatalities.
Amen to that.
October 27th, 2008 6:53 AM CST - buffduffdan
That's very true and I'm sure they probably regret it now but I guess they thought they'd be able to get away with it. And to be fair to them, they never said it has passed the T rating. But if they hadn't then really we wouldn't be complaining now cus like Kitana's, we haven't seen the original and so when we do see the toned down version we wont have anything to compare it too. Unlike the Joker's which is like dangling a donut in front of your face and then giving you a carrot...
October 27th, 2008 9:39 AM CST - Glamador
Originally Posted by : boJac
More great news. I'd rather have a good game that I can enjoy for hours on end than graphic fatalities.
But that's not adequate at all. We already know it's gonna have great gameplay, fatalities are just a bonus. They still work hard on the fatalities they do, in fact, having to tone them down AFTER creation means MORE work has to go towards fatalities and even less can go towards balancing and gameplay. So really, what you've said doesn't make sense on any level.
October 27th, 2008 10:19 AM CST - Tim Static
Originally Posted by : Glamador
But that's not adequate at all. We already know it's gonna have great gameplay, fatalities are just a bonus. They still work hard on the fatalities they do, in fact, having to tone them down AFTER creation means MORE work has to go towards fatalities and even less can go towards balancing and gameplay. So really, what you've said doesn't make sense on any level.
How do you or anyone else know the gameplay is gonna be good, let alone great? Not one of us has actually played it. I play UMK3 & MKII ALOT and I dont remember the last time I did a fatality. There boring as hell and a waste of time. But its obvious they've spend more time on fatalites then gameplay during the DA-A years. So what he said makes perfect sense, and its true. They could just remove finishing moves completely, and if the gameplay is still fun, and competetive, I'll still buy it, and play the hell outta it.
October 27th, 2008 10:36 AM CST - Glamador
You're focusing on one sentence and missed the point completely. The point is, he claims this is "great news" in some misinformed sense that less gorey fatalities means they're working harder on gameplay. When in truth, they are working equally hard on the fatalities, gorey or not, and having to tone them down further simply takes even more time they (according to you) don't need to be spending on them. THAT was my point.
October 27th, 2008 1:42 PM CST - Tim Static
Originally Posted by : Glamador
You're focusing on one sentence and missed the point completely. The point is, he claims this is "great news" in some misinformed sense that less gorey fatalities means they're working harder on gameplay. When in truth, they are working equally hard on the fatalities, gorey or not, and having to tone them down further simply takes even more time they (according to you) don't need to be spending on them. THAT was my point.
Alright, that makes more sense
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