October 24th, 2008
9:51 AM CST -
After last night's release of MKast 8 I had pondered why Midway had not yet provided a facility to easily access their MKast Podcasts via iTunes for those of us who listen to podcasts via their iPods and iPhones. It would also give a whole other way for people to come into contact with the game who come across the podcast on iTunes. Well it seems someone was thinking the same way as I, as last night Midway's "Web Monkey" dv8withn8 posted up to the Midway Boards news that it is now available on iTunes Music Store under Podcasts.

I suggest everyone with iTunes go out and subscribe to it to help boost their ranking, as there are a lot of video game podcasts out there.

Also they didn't forget all you without iTunes, they also have provided an RSS Feed for the Podcast for your favorite RSS Feed Reader. You can access that here.

Reader Komments from the TRMK Forums:

October 24th, 2008 10:28 AM CST - Glamador
Thought it was wierd that a PODcast wasn't available on the iPOD.
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