July 25th, 2008
12:01 PM CST -
Kotaku sat down with Ed Boon yesterday at Comic Con and got a great bit of information with regards to the next Mortal Kombat game. They are reporting that Ed said that Mortal Kombat 9 is already in the early planning stages and is looking like it'll be a return to the dark and violent roots we're all used to with Mortal Kombat.

While that grittier, darker version of MK didn't make it far beyond the technology development stages — Boon told us there was little in the way of concept art for the grimier spin on the series — the next next Mortal Kombat may strive for more blood, more violence, more of everything that warrants an M-rating.

It sure sounds like the plan is to revert to the earlier "Gears of War" influenced style that was scrapped when the DC deal finalized.

While it is still very early to be talking about the next game, we hope to hear more solid information about this in 2009.

Reader Komments from the TRMK Forums:

July 25th, 2008 6:42 PM CST - Tim Static
So maybe this means the 2nd DC game will be DC only? That would be flipping sweet in its own right. But as long as they follow with the 2-D gameplay, and maybe have JT there to help, hmmm....MK9 might be the total return to glory for MK.
July 27th, 2008 5:56 PM CST - Mads
Well I'm very glad to hear (read) this.
August 1st, 2008 12:23 PM CST - Parrot
i hope my mom will buy it for me. haha. lol. she doesn't care.
August 1st, 2008 2:37 PM CST - boJac
I hope they get super violent for the next one. Like, instead of just having the charatcer's head ripped off and their being a scream, I'd like to see the defeated opponent show that they're feeling some serious pain. Like showing a close up of their face as the their spine gets slowly seperated from the rest of their body. That'd be sweet.
August 1st, 2008 10:20 PM CST - Glamador
Well, while that might be a nice change of pace, I'd rather not. I think MK2 (and by extension MKSM) were the perfect blend of brutal yet still amusing enough that you don't feel guilty about killing your opponent. I mean, there have been some brutal ones, but it's that touch of humor (JUST A TOUCH! Don't make this MK3 again!) makes it okay. The team needs to cut the gimmicks (AKA Neck Stetch, Jax's giant stomp, Kabal's air pump) and get back to the stuff from MKII (Uppercut decap, hat slice, dragon, jugular cut, invisible torso rip). I don't need to see my enemies faces as they're being decapitated (In fact it would creep me the **** out).
August 1st, 2008 10:59 PM CST - jeary
Originally Posted by : Glamador
Well, while that might be a nice change of pace, I'd rather not. I think MK2 (and by extension MKSM) were the perfect blend of brutal yet still amusing enough that you don't feel guilty about killing your opponent. I mean, there have been some brutal ones, but it's that touch of humor (JUST A TOUCH! Don't make this MK3 again!) makes it okay. The team needs to cut the gimmicks (AKA Neck Stetch, Jax's giant stomp, Kabal's air pump) and get back to the stuff from MKII (Uppercut decap, hat slice, dragon, jugular cut, invisible torso rip). I don't need to see my enemies faces as they're being decapitated (In fact it would creep me the **** out).
I think in MKDA and MKD they did a decent job with keeping it how you describe it. Besides the occasional neck stretch and other ones like that i cant think of right now. But i think with the next gen systems theres a certain amount of detail that everyone will expect when it comes to the fatalities. Even if its disgusting, id love to see more detail in blood, faces, bones, death, etc...
August 5th, 2008 1:39 AM CST - J_w_E
They need to make another 2-D with digitized characters. I would love to see Richard Divizio as Kano again.
August 5th, 2008 3:53 AM CST - Tim Static
Originally Posted by : J_w_E
They need to make another 2-D with digitized characters. I would love to see Richard Divizio as Kano again.
Amen, bro.
August 15th, 2008 9:06 PM CST - MKF30-mkdc
Yeah, read this a week ago when it was announced. Sounds cool, can't imagine the gore how freaking sweet it'll look with these badass graphics! The real damage looks nuts, fatalities from what we've seen look great, I'm trying to picture gore mmmmmmmmm how Yummy : )
September 21st, 2008 2:42 PM CST - TheTenthKombat
I'm sure this game will come out in 2010, and I'm sure we'll get info in 2009. Cause I think MKvsDC will be a huge success, all I am hoping for is for the Original MK Character's come back.
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