[UPDATED] "Who's Next?" Next Mortal Kombat Teaser Images Unveiled

i fixed the logo


Nice, I woulda been happier with what you did rather than what was presented by Boon and gang...
All I want is Raiden. No Raiden, NO BUYS.

well, no, that's a lie, i'd still buy it, my heart would just hurt.

Same here with Sub-Zero.
I'd likely still get it begrudgingly, because I'm an MK fan, but my heart would also hurt if SZ (human) stays dead, or Sub-Zero doesn't come back.

There's definitely a great chance that Raiden will be back, given that he, Sonya and Johnny Cage were left to clean up the mess from MK9.
All I want is Raiden. No Raiden, NO BUYS.

well, no, that's a lie, i'd still buy it, my heart would just hurt.

Same with Reptile. Praying he's in, he has an excellent chance of being included. If not I'll still buy and have Scorpion.
I can see Frost appearing to replace Sub Zero

I sure as hell hope that you're wrong.
That would be god-awful.

F*** that noise, Frost better not f***ing replace Sub-Zero.
She can be in, but replacing Sub-Zero would be a huge slap to the face.
They did the same when Scorpion was omitted from MK3.

The reason that Scorpion was not in MK3, wasn't because he was omitted or because NRS didn't want him in.
Scorpion was not in MK3 because Daniel Pesina (who previously played the role of all the ninjas) was fired.

Scorpion, Reptile, Ermac, Rain, Smoke and Noob Saibot were in UMK3 because John Turk put on the UMK3 costumes, to reprise those parts, after the whole Daniel Pesina ordeal.
The reason that Scorpion was not in MK3, wasn't because he was omitted or because NRS didn't want him in.
Scorpion was not in MK3 because Daniel Pesina (who previously played the role of all the ninjas) was fired.

Scorpion, Reptile, Ermac, Rain, Smoke and Noob Saibot were in UMK3 because John Turk put on the UMK3 costumes, to reprise those parts, after the whole Daniel Pesina ordeal.

I am well aware of that. I was referring to fan reaction to Scorpion not being in MK3.

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The reason that Scorpion was not in MK3, wasn't because he was omitted or because NRS didn't want him in.
Scorpion was not in MK3 because Daniel Pesina (who previously played the role of all the ninjas) was fired.

I gotta call bullshit on that, just because I don't think the empirical reason has ever been delineated (if I'm missing where it has, feel free to rub it in my face) and it doesn't make a lick of sense that that would have been the sole reason above all else. Very few of the actors from MK2 returned for MK3, yet the team had no problem replacing the actors behind Sub-Zero, Shang Tsung, Liu Kang, Kung Lao and Sonya.

That's not to say that it couldn't have influenced their decision at the time, but it's not like they couldn't have thrown anyone with a decent physique into a Scorpion costume if one was ready. I think the main reason had more to due with time and even budget constraints (given Midway's propensity for rushing the MK team, this is a reasonable assumption). UMK3 hypothetically being planned before the original game was even released would have made this theory all the more plausible (Super Street Fighter II/SSFII Turbo and Sonic 3/Sonic & Knuckles have similar stories to this).
Mortal Kombat X - PlayStation 4 Dec 31, 2015 ESRB Rating: Rating Pending
by Warner Home Video - Games

PlayStation 4
Available for Pre-order