Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

I wonder what's going on through his head right now, he's probably hella salty :rofl:

I dunno know, F-champ wasn't too similar with that Jam Session Mix up so I don't think Dorm alone would've won him the match.
Yeah, but w/ Dorm at least he could stay in the air; all Spencer could is Grapple and zip-line upwards and Dante's jam session only goes so far.


ahem.... Anyways, I don't know man, must be that Canadian air lol. Theres some good talent in Canada too though from the looks of it. Can't count out the effect of the Canadian crowd too.
Oh hell nawl, Gay phoenix chants.

But Canada is so quiet, I never hear anything good about them in any fighter TBH lol. I remember watching Behrudy play on a stream in Canada but that's all.
From what I know, they have some decent players, like Chi-Rithy and Air.

Yo Phoeeenix; the game just trolled Bee :laugh:


Noel :(
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Nigguh dropped about 5 combos in 2 seconds.

I didn't know that Air was Canadian! He's my second favorite Ryu player.
Stop talking about Noel :mad: :(

I'm just glad that if someone beats Tokido, then Amuriccahh wins :proud: /patriotism

PR Balrog too sick right now
Not in Marvel :rolleyes:

Know why? B/c America strategy right here:

Iron Fist!!!!!

Nvr mind....
You're not watching the poverty chat though :rofl: Yes, poverty chat lol. Poverty chat is g-like.

Lol at the people going WUUOOPPP!!! in the background.
I don't know, but FChamp is about to get that payback on Bee it looks like lol; idk why he didn't use Dorm against him in the tournament. He's about to OCV all of Canada haha. Noel in the background is hilarious though; he talks so much plus whenever someone screams its usually him haha.

In case anyone else lurking wants to watch: www.twitch.tv/canadacup2