Tremor for dlc petition

It was terribad. :laugh:
They're tied at #1 for shittiest MK game, IMO.

Not even. It had a better art design, didn't have any of those shit camera angles, or the shit controls. Matter of fact, it was more or less the same exact controls as mk3. The only thing that may have been really bad was the difficulty. It was a tough game that required some strict timing. That and sense of direction. It didn't really tell you where to go. You had to find out on your own. I kinda liked that though.
Not even. It had a better art design, didn't have any of those shit camera angles, or the shit controls. Matter of fact, it was more or less the same exact controls as mk3. The only thing that may have been really bad was the difficulty. It was a tough game that required some strict timing. That and sense of direction. It didn't really tell you where to go. You had to find out on your own. I kinda liked that though.

Art design and camera angles, yes.
Game-play, no.
I hated the game-play of both games just as equally.
We'll agree to disagree on that front.
lol this picture is kind of sick...

I'm not even that much into him but he could have some major cool factor points.

lol this picture is kind of sick...

I'm not even that much into him but he could have some major cool factor points.


wow that is a really cool picture. yeah i remember him in special forces and i actually liked that game lol. but i dont see why he shouldnt be in the mk series (officially). hes been lingering in the air long enough and i say he should be dlc or in the next game. it would be nice
Yeah, MKSZM certainly wasn't great. It definitely wasn't for everyone either.

My previous point though, was that if Sareena and Skarlet got into MK9 with a good revamp, I don't see why NRS couldn't do the same for Tremor in MK10.
They've proven that they can give any MK character a good make-over, given the allotted time and $$$ from Big Brother (WB).
Previous track record doesn't seem to mean much with the advent of MK9.
I mean, seriously, in the MK3 \ UMK3 arcade days I'd be hard pressed to find many players that used a character like Stryker.
Now more people use him in MK9, because they've given him a drastic improvement.

I feel like people hate on Tremor, a lot of the times, because he's :quoties: "another ninja" on the MK roster. :roll:
I actually really liked Mythologies.
But I've never gotten past the Earth boss :?

But Special Forces is absolute garbage.
I don't even see how you can compare the two.

Anyway I love Tremor because of how much he can add to the MK story.
It allows Jax to have a rival instead of him and Sonya sharing Kano.
Or maybe he could be Kabal's rival for leaving the Dragons.
It puts someone else in the Black Dragon. Kano & Jarek being the only nameable ones.

He could also be a target for Lin Kuei automation.
I love the idea of an earth-controlling kombatant even if I'm not crazy about Tremor himself

Which is why I'm hoping he turns out to be a little bulkier than the other ninjas if he ever makes it in future MK games
Which is why I'm hoping he turns out to be a little bulkier than the other ninjas if he ever makes it in future MK games

I agree.
Out of all the stances in MK9, they had to give him Smoke's.
This is almost as bad as Sektor having Sonya's stance in Armageddon :/
Calm down sugar tits, I'm just saying he's a target, not saying they ever get him.
Adds Sektor to his list of rivals :)

I am calm, taffy penis. :laugh:
Anyways, Tremor is a Black Dragon member.
He would fit better into the whole Kano \ Jax and Sonya rivalry, by joining Kano's ranks.
Calm down sugar tits, I'm just saying he's a target, not saying they ever get him.
Adds Sektor to his list of rivals :)

I wanna be convinced. I'm requesting you write a backstory for him. You've done a great job with jarek and the others you've written.. Wait.. Did you already do one for Tremor?
Haven't done one for Tremor yet.

I think I'll do it soon though.
I've been putting it off for a long ass time :laugh:
And thank ya Viking.