New member
Does anyone know where i can find some darker colored push buttons? I want to change the my TE's stick and buttons to something like this...
I will be switching the default PDP stick with an IL one. Will the base that holds the microswitch fit and screw on to the HAPP base?
Also anyone looking for a longer USB cable for their stick, 15 feet for $2 on Monoprice
Has anybody tried to see if the te stick works with both systems? I have both versions but don't want to try in case it kills the stick.
Don't, I can practically guarantee you that it will kill the stick if not worse.
Was thinking the same thing. Thanksand no thanks to your april fools joke. :reddy:
Pre-emptively unscrewed the plastic cover, unwired the joystick and disassembled. No idea how I'll be able to install the IL Euro I ordered with two hands unless I physically unscrew the top part of the "cabinet" off of the base..It's certainly not like the Sanwa sticks...Hopefully this is going to go smoothly when the Euro is delivered today. *Pray for me*
I just realized I may have mislabeled one of the wires...If I accidentally put a common into a ground slot, will that short it out causing permanent damage?
EDIT: Did it! Looks awesome, there's about an 8th second delay when playing UMK3, but nothing awful just need to get used to it.
Ordered some Black ILs for both my TE sticks. Just waiting on reds to finish the MKII cab.
Pics when the MKII is finished?
Has anybody tried to see if the te stick works with both systems? I have both versions but don't want to try in case it kills the stick.