New member
I thought it would be good to have one thread dedicated to modding the TE stick, since I didn't see one after a quick search. I've been attempting to mod mine since the day I got it, but I can't believe how hard it is to modify something that should've been so simple, taken two seconds to do and I've done in the past. Here's my situation.
I was making a tutorial to show everyone how to not only make their sticks wireless, but compatible with both consoles. I accidentally messed up my Sixaxis pcb, so I went wireless 360/wired PS3 to finish the video and just showed how to do the mod with the Sixaxis so all wouldn't be lost. But between the PDP PS3 board and the official 360 controller, whatever I'm doing, I'm grounding something out and I can't understand why.
Right now I have a UMK3/MK4 cabinet with the common grounds and the inputs between the two boards wired to each cherry. It works fine. But doing that here caused both controllers to freak out even with power to one of them turned off, so YourMameMan suggested throwing diodes on the wires. Since I don't have any here and Radioshack was closed, I decided to make a swappable common ground that would disconnect one controller while connecting the other. Somehow, only the PS3 side of things is working and the 360 side is still acting weird. Here's a quick video and description of where I'm at now:
I was making a tutorial to show everyone how to not only make their sticks wireless, but compatible with both consoles. I accidentally messed up my Sixaxis pcb, so I went wireless 360/wired PS3 to finish the video and just showed how to do the mod with the Sixaxis so all wouldn't be lost. But between the PDP PS3 board and the official 360 controller, whatever I'm doing, I'm grounding something out and I can't understand why.
Right now I have a UMK3/MK4 cabinet with the common grounds and the inputs between the two boards wired to each cherry. It works fine. But doing that here caused both controllers to freak out even with power to one of them turned off, so YourMameMan suggested throwing diodes on the wires. Since I don't have any here and Radioshack was closed, I decided to make a swappable common ground that would disconnect one controller while connecting the other. Somehow, only the PS3 side of things is working and the 360 side is still acting weird. Here's a quick video and description of where I'm at now:
"Since I didn't have any diodes, I decided to remove the grounds from both controllers - no common grounds from the 360 controller OR the PS3 are attached to the cherrys - and I replaced them with what I call a "Master Common Ground". This way, the grounds from the two controllers couldn't touch and whichever one you wanted to use you'd plug in to the respective controller. Like this:
360 CG {} PS3 CG {} Master CG {} (Key: {} is disconnected, {|} is connected)
Using the 360 Controller-
360 CG {|} PS3 CG {} Master CG {|}
Using the PS3 Controller-
360 CG {} PS3 CG {|} Master CG {|}
Upon connecting the appropriate controller, the MCG would act as it's common ground while removing the ground from the other. This, had it not been me doing the mod, would have resolved any loop issues between the two because it's impossible to have a ground loop with something that isn't connected. After checking the continuity in every possible way, and only having the inputs wired to the open on the microswitches, the 360 controller still seems like it's grounding out. Pushing button #4 on the controller registers 1,2,3,4 and 5, along with some of the D-Pad contacts as well, and the clincher is that holding it for 2 or 3 seconds will eventually make the others disappear and only register holding the original #4. If you press the button really fast it registers correctly, but leaving it alone for a second will register the whole lot again. How it's grounding out on a time release is so far beyond me I can't even put it into words.
There is one ground on the 360 pcb that is not common, and was removed so that problem no longer exists. I just have to switch two wires instead of one to solve that problem, so the uncommon ground isn't a big deal. The PS3 side of things is working fine, it's only the 360 side that's borked. This isn't even with both controllers on at the same time, on or off it's behaving the same way.
So to summarize the situation, it can't ground loop to the other board because the other board's grounds have been disconnected. And it's not looping itself because if it were, something would be closed, but everything is open until I push a button and releasing it returns everything to it's open state. I can't figure out what's going on here, and the worst part is that this started out as a simple MK TE stick mod tutorial that I was making to help everyone. One of my few tutorials that I actually thought was turning out to be really helpful, and had everything gone the way it normally does, would've taken two seconds. That was 5 nights ago, all of which involved going to bed at 5am. Tonight seems no different"