The Hobbit

I've read the book a long time ago, but I feel they will drag it out so long if they do 3 movies.

They are using a lot of material from the appendices of The Hobbit and The LOTR to cover a lot more major events that have not been explored or mentioned in the main story in the books for example, The Battle at Dol Guldor where Gandalf and the White Council fights Sauron for the first time since he arrived at middle earth.

So hopefully with the inclusion of similar events, the films won't feel drawn out.
Saw the trailer when I went to see Batman and it looked incredibly stupid....especially when they started singing.
Saw the trailer when I went to see Batman and it looked incredibly stupid....especially when they started singing.

The singing is actually a significant part of the lore and story. They were reciting a poem, summarizing their past taken from the books as a hymn, it captured the middle earth feel really well for me.

But yea, for people who isn't quite familiar with Tolkien's work or previous LOTR films will find it a bit odd because usually stuff like that appears in only musicals and bollywood films lol.
The Hobbit: An unexpected journey trailer 2!!

Haven't watched it yet, it's loading a bit slow for me, most likely due to the traffic.

EDIT: Alright, watched it and loved it. I'm glad it doesn't take itself to seriously like LOTR which is in tune with the lighter tone of the book. Amazing visuals, cinematography and effects as well!
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More awesome posters!





New Screenshots of Elves






Hi-Res screenshot of Bolg, the secondary antagonist.


That's one freaky looking Orc!
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Just back from The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, loved it, it was nothing short of spectacular. The visuals, soundtrack and especially the acting of both Martin Freeman (Bilbo) and Richard Armitage (Thorin) are amazing. Ian Mckellen as usual gives his best. The 3D too was awesome, given that it was shot with 3D cameras and not a mere post production fix. Fans of the LOTR, movies and books alike will love this. It is the most fitting revisit to middle earth, felt great to be back. One thing to keep in mind though is not to expect it to be on the same page as LOTR. The source material is tonally different and it is meant to be that way, something the majority of the critics reviewing this film are blatantly ignoring. Don't listen to what they say, see the movie and judge for yourself.

Even those who haven't seen the LOTR films will like this if they are into fantasy, I'm sure it won't disappoint.

Will be watching in the new HFR format tomorrow, hopefully it will be a more immersive experience altogether.
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Saw it in HFR and loved it. It didn't take the cinematic feel away from me as many seem to say, the CG worked remarkably along with the 3D. I also liked the classic feel it had, Peter Jackson made the right decision, I truly believe this should be the future of cinema (atleast as far as fantasy/CG heavy movies are concerned) and I will prefer this format over the usual 24 fps.

However I took a minute or two for my eyes to get adjusted to it cause it felt like things were going in a bit of fast forward at the beginning, it was fine later on, truly amazing.

Again it mainly depends on your tastes, just don't go in with pre conceived notions from reviews of critics, just go and judge for yourself.
Great movie. Probably one of the best cinematic spectacles to have been shot in my lifetime. I'm probably going to go and see it again soon. :)
Great movie. Probably one of the best cinematic spectacles to have been shot in my lifetime. I'm probably going to go and see it again soon. :)

Glad you enjoyed it! Were you able to watch it on HFR? What did you think of it?

EDIT:Production video 10 - Premiere

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Nobody here offers HFR in my neck of the woods, unfortunately. It was 'Lie-Max' 3D, but I'm going to go to an actual, 70mm digital projection IMAX in Natick with the 70ft screen to get the full experience. 48p is just not really much of a thing here yet, considering a lot of the cinemas here are older. Still, in 24p digital projection with 3D, it looked amazing.

Really good balance of the action/adventure as well as whimsical story elements in this movie. Very much felt like a storybook brought to life.
I hated the bullshit they came up with the Witch-King being sealed in a tomb or something then breaking free. He simply escaped the final battle in Eriador after taunting Earnur and hid in Mordor until the LOTR events took place. Otherwise, the movie is great. But there are unnecessary changes to some details that bothered me.
Saw the movie last night. It was pretty good. Feels awkward being in a company of many Dwarves on a journey of

taking back their kingdom from a very dangerous dragon that has now finally awaken from years of slumber. Plus, it's nice to have Frodo making a cameo appearance.

Can't wait for the second one to come out next year.
Looks boring as shit, just like all the LoR movies.

Yeah, I said it.

Only good thing about LoR was Legolas <3
I hated the bullshit they came up with the Witch-King being sealed in a tomb or something then breaking free. He simply escaped the final battle in Eriador after taunting Earnur and hid in Mordor until the LOTR events took place. Otherwise, the movie is great. But there are unnecessary changes to some details that bothered me.

Yea that along with major changes like

Azog the defiler surviving the Battle of Azanulbizar and having an enemity with Thorin

were present, but I feel those were a welcome change, especially as they are trying to maintain the continuity with the LoTR movies and making references to it. Plus its not always possible to adapt the book verbatim, film is a different medium and I guess they would have had to adapt it according to spice it up.

Looks boring as shit, just like all the LoR movies.

Yeah, I said it.

Only good thing about LoR was Legolas <3

By Durin's beard! What malarky is this?:p

Lol seriously though I can understand how people may not like it if you are not into the fantasy genre, I too wasn't into it before I read Tolkien's works and watched the Lotr movies. Thus I suggest that you give it a chance before dismissing it completely, you might be surprised :)