"Screamers" in the Krypt?

oh, come on, guys. I've seen shit an ass ton scarier than this! But hey, if you are too scared to go in the krypt and buy stuff like I'm going to, that's on you. I mean, how do any of you play dead space? ;)
lol this does have some potential though. i'm just gonna invite my friends round, tell them to unlock some stuff in the krypt, turn the volume up full blast, turn off the lights and voila there you have some good times.
lol this does have some potential though. i'm just gonna invite my friends round, tell them to unlock some stuff in the krypt, turn the volume up full blast, turn off the lights and voila there you have some good times.

You're evil!
I Was watching this stream on justin.tv and this thing pops up lucky i had volume off and nearly took a heart attack not cool boon hope theres a option to take it off
WOW. Just wow. ....This is seriously some of the most pathetic, pussified shit i've ever read in my life. No joke.

I thought this game was rated M. I thought you had to be at least 18 to play this game.

But all i'm seeing are the crying, wussified little "oh nooo i'm scared mommy" responses over the damned littlest thing.

I honestly saw one of those pop up in the Krypt and I just chuckled at the clever little gag they put in, and thought nothing else of it.

Seriously. You kids are looking like this one little thing in the game has you all jogging in place, limply flapping your hands around at the wrists like scared little girls, and crying "oh noo why did they put this in the game help me i'm scareeeed oooh"

The least you people could do is TRY to act like some of you possess a pair of testicles, for christ's sake.

Yes. I'm dead friggin' serious.

I mean, wow people. This is Mortal Kombat, ladies. Not "Barbie Flower Picking Adventure".

If this really bothers you all THAT much, maybe you should trade it back in to the game store that your parents drove you to and used their ID to buy the game for you, and go get a Hanna Montana game for DS, instead.

Also, probably a good idea to lay off the Estrogen pills, and Twilight movies, too.

...just sayin'.
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Anyone know if it happens multiple times? I've seen it once and I've nearly unlocked everything in the Krypt. I just want to unlock it all and not get jumped randomly :P and without sound it's worse because everything is silent :|
WOW. Just wow. ....This is seriously some of the most pathetic, pussified shit i've ever read in my life. No joke.

I thought this game was rated M. I thought you had to be at least 18 to play this game.

But all i'm seeing are the crying, wussified little "oh nooo i'm scared mommy" responses over the damned littlest thing.

I honestly saw one of those pop up in the Krypt and I just chuckled at the clever little gag they put in, and thought nothing else of it.

Seriously. You kids are looking like this one little thing in the game has you all jogging in place, limply flapping your hands around at the wrists like scared little girls, and crying "oh noo why did they put this in the game help me i'm scareeeed oooh"

The least you people could do is TRY to act like some of you possess a pair of testicles, for christ's sake.

Yes. I'm dead friggin' serious.

I mean, wow people. This is Mortal Kombat, ladies. Not "Barbie Flower Picking Adventure".

If this really bothers you all THAT much, maybe you should trade it back in to the game store that your parents drove you to and used their ID to buy the game for you, and go get a Hanna Montana game for DS, instead.

Also, probably a good idea to lay off the Estrogen pills, and Twilight movies, too.

...just sayin'.

He's butthurt mad

Funnily enough, I am old enough for this game, some of us simply don't like things jumping out at us. We're all scared by different things. Some people hate screamers, others simply don't care. We're all different - Deal with it.
WOW. Just wow. ....This is seriously some of the most pathetic, pussified shit i've ever read in my life. No joke.

I thought this game was rated M. I thought you had to be at least 18 to play this game.

But all i'm seeing are the crying, wussified little "oh nooo i'm scared mommy" responses over the damned littlest thing.

I honestly saw one of those pop up in the Krypt and I just chuckled at the clever little gag they put in, and thought nothing else of it.

Seriously. You kids are looking like this one little thing in the game has you all jogging in place, limply flapping your hands around at the wrists like scared little girls, and crying "oh noo why did they put this in the game help me i'm scareeeed oooh"

The least you people could do is TRY to act like some of you possess a pair of testicles, for christ's sake.

Yes. I'm dead friggin' serious.

I mean, wow people. This is Mortal Kombat, ladies. Not "Barbie Flower Picking Adventure".

If this really bothers you all THAT much, maybe you should trade it back in to the game store that your parents drove you to and used their ID to buy the game for you, and go get a Hanna Montana game for DS, instead.

Also, probably a good idea to lay off the Estrogen pills, and Twilight movies, too.

...just sayin'.

tell us how you really feel

I don't care personally. I think it is a weird thing to add to the krypt but there is no reason to be a dick to everyone about it. They don't like it. Deal with it.
WOW. Just wow. ....This is seriously some of the most pathetic, pussified shit i've ever read in my life. No joke.

I thought this game was rated M. I thought you had to be at least 18 to play this game.

But all i'm seeing are the crying, wussified little "oh nooo i'm scared mommy" responses over the damned littlest thing.

I honestly saw one of those pop up in the Krypt and I just chuckled at the clever little gag they put in, and thought nothing else of it.

Seriously. You kids are looking like this one little thing in the game has you all jogging in place, limply flapping your hands around at the wrists like scared little girls, and crying "oh noo why did they put this in the game help me i'm scareeeed oooh"

The least you people could do is TRY to act like some of you possess a pair of testicles, for christ's sake.

Yes. I'm dead friggin' serious.

I mean, wow people. This is Mortal Kombat, ladies. Not "Barbie Flower Picking Adventure".

If this really bothers you all THAT much, maybe you should trade it back in to the game store that your parents drove you to and used their ID to buy the game for you, and go get a Hanna Montana game for DS, instead.

Also, probably a good idea to lay off the Estrogen pills, and Twilight movies, too.

...just sayin'.

twilight was`nt scary

and i dont even need to go to the krypt just complete the ladder to get they`re alt and ask others how to do secret fatality
WOW. Just wow. ....This is seriously some of the most pathetic, pussified shit i've ever read in my life. No joke.

I thought this game was rated M. I thought you had to be at least 18 to play this game.

But all i'm seeing are the crying, wussified little "oh nooo i'm scared mommy" responses over the damned littlest thing.

I honestly saw one of those pop up in the Krypt and I just chuckled at the clever little gag they put in, and thought nothing else of it.

Seriously. You kids are looking like this one little thing in the game has you all jogging in place, limply flapping your hands around at the wrists like scared little girls, and crying "oh noo why did they put this in the game help me i'm scareeeed oooh"

The least you people could do is TRY to act like some of you possess a pair of testicles, for christ's sake.

Yes. I'm dead friggin' serious.

I mean, wow people. This is Mortal Kombat, ladies. Not "Barbie Flower Picking Adventure".

If this really bothers you all THAT much, maybe you should trade it back in to the game store that your parents drove you to and used their ID to buy the game for you, and go get a Hanna Montana game for DS, instead.

Also, probably a good idea to lay off the Estrogen pills, and Twilight movies, too.

...just sayin'.

One day i hope to be as manly as u
I honestly can't beleive how many complaints I'm seeing about the Screamers. I'm getting a good laugh at this...so many people are totally freaking out and angry about this. It just makes me laugh.

Are you the least bit surprised that people are calling you out on how silly it is to be utterly terrified about something like this? And to actually be so passionate about your anger for it that you're going into mindless rants on TRMK?

I'm sorry, but it is pathetic. It has also never happened more than once for me.
I was playing a few hours ago and my sister walked in to watch. Well I hit the Krypt and as soon as the Screamer popper up, she jumped ten feet into the air screaming her ****ing head off. It was hilarious.