I understand that Mortal Kombat is a fighting game, but a game doesn't make it 18 years by solely being one dimensional. In my opinion, Mortal Kombat is so popular because of its multi-dimensionalism. If some fans don't like the story mode, don't play it. Just as, although less common I'm sure it happens, some people play the games simply for the story mode. It gets kind of irritating when I hear people bashing the story aspect of the game. Seriously, wheres Killer Instinct? It was a purely fighting game, (a good game, and I'm not bashing it, it was the first game I ever played), with no story, and now, it's not around, and not many newer games know of it. Mortal Kombat has its awesome fighting gameplay, with combos, special moves, and fatalities, but in my opinion its the story behind the characters that keep people coming back for more. I mean honestly what's the point in just beating the shit out of someone if there's no logic behind it? The only answer to that is to let out some anger issues. I'm not saying that everyone should fall in love with the stories, but bashing them just seems rediculous, seeing as how they give a justafyable reason as to why Scorpion hates Sub-Zero and Quan Chi, or why Noob hates younger Sub-Zero. Without the storyline, you just have a bunch of grown men and women beating the shit out of each other, and, in my opinion, if you want to see that, just go to a bar.