After playing this for about 2 months (1 month in november and 1 month march-april) i made a list of players that i found were the most "unique", but not in a honorable way but in the most low "i don`t give a *&^$ about having fun" way.
Here is the list:
nate quit as soon as he lose one match.
juliodp quit even before he lose.
sanford quit as soon as he lose one match.
stryker quit as soon as he lose one match.
reset quit as soon as he lose one match.
brad quit as soon as he lose one match.
ratches quit as soon as he lose one match.
osman-2 quit as soon as he lose one match.
chrono quit as soon as he lose one match.
sonyattis quit as soon as he lose one match.
a-bomb quit as soon as he lose one match.
LKR 2008 quit as soon as he lose one match.
cyphus quit as soon as he lose one match.
shroob quit as soon as he lose one match.
geraldo quit as soon as he lose one match.
yakko quit as soon as he lose one match.
zach quit as soon as he lose one match.
MBOSS55 quit as soon as he lose one match.
SHADOW quit as soon as he lose one match.
.:julio:. this gay lag like hell and when he lose he leave is ds on the select screen just to annoy you. (this is after you beat him)
omega666 quit as soon as he lose one match.
s.t.a.r.s. quit as soon as he lose one match.
ahmed quit as soon as he lose one match.
slash quit as soon as he lose one match.
bigkaballs This is .:julio:. incarnation, does exactly the same.
DARKMARTH quit as soon as he lose one match.
And of course there are a couple others that know how to play the game and even if they are losing they still keep playing because we are looking for a challenge not for a newb.
Honorable list:
miss spin This girl is the most talented ive seen on the ds. We are like 30-4 in favour of her
STRIFE-ONE Worth playing with!
RAYDEN This guy won two matches and even with a babality

but left after that ( i dont blame him, i sucked that day

OUTLAW 08 Worth playing with!
OLDSCHOOL This guy know what he is doing, but as soon as you get a couple of matchs he leaves, wish i could play a bo20 or something.
kensidj Same as OLDSCHOOL
chris Worth playing with (but there are a couple chris so i dont know exactly with one is him.
So if you are in one of my list, feel free to give your opinion of what is your reasoning to leave a game because you fought a tougher oponent...
btw: my akas are : Jax owns u, Diablo666, Joan, Joanpc57, RANDOM.