Mortal Monday - Scorpion Bio Video

Patrick McCarron

TRMK Admin, Co-founder
Staff member
It's Monday again, so that means another <a href="">Mortal Kombat (2011)</a> video is ready for you! This time the folks at <a href="">NetherRealm Studios</a> have sent along a great Scorpion Bio video. It gives a bit of history behind <b>Scorpion</b>, very similar in text to what is seen on the <a href=""></a> website.

This is what the <b>Warner Bros.</b> release had to say about the video:
Today, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and NetherRealm Studios are bringing gamers a stylized new video giving fans a deeper look at Scorpion – the once human hellspawned ninja assassin - and the beginnings of his deadly rivalry with Sub Zero.

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Quan Chi HAS to be in this game now.

Killer Scorpion vid tho, I'm hoping the rest are just as cinematic. Makes me wonder if these are going to be in the full game.

Is it me or does the announcer voice saying "Fatality" resemble that of Goro's from the MK1 Movie??

Haha, I actually hear that now. Weird. Maybe it is Goro? lol jk
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I image this is the artstyle the endings will use!
Well as a Scorpion fan I must say I am very impressed, this game will be awesome :D
Okay, what the... sub zero killed him, AND HIS FAMILY? this story is really starting to confuse me, first you have the ressurected sub zero thing, which is confusing as hell and now you got sub zero killing scorpions family, when according to the official storyline, it was quan chi...
No this does not mean Quan Chi is in the game, just because they said his name. I'm a huge Quan Chi fan, but how many times do they have to tell you that it's characters from the first three games? Like, you all don't hear that at all. However, if I said Shinnok and Raiden hate each other, your next ten posts will be about how Shinnok will be in the next game because he hates Raiden.

It's awesome you like this characters and I want them in the game too because they make the whole game better. But you can't ignore facts and try and start these rumours that will do nothing but get everyone's hopes up for no good reason.
Okay, what the... sub zero killed him, AND HIS FAMILY? this story is really starting to confuse me, first you have the ressurected sub zero thing, which is confusing as hell and now you got sub zero killing scorpions family, when according to the official storyline, it was quan chi...
I'm sure that you know that Quan Chi tricked Scorpion into believing that Sub-Zero killed his family right? If this bio said it was Quan Chi that killed his family, then this game will include MK4 (which we know it doesn't). He still needs to have his motive to kill Sub-Zero.
sub zero killed him, AND HIS FAMILY?

This is old news.
This was in the "original" MK 1 storyline, all the way up to MK 3.

It wasn't until MK 4, where they ****** up the whole story, by throwing Qaun Chi in there.
In MK 4 Quan Chi was thrown into the story, out of no where, and they (NetherRealm) made him the mastermind behind the whole thing.
It gave this character some added "depth."

Don't get me wrong, I like Quan Chi.
I jus't don't think that they should have thrown him into the Sub Zero / Scorpion plot, to begin with.
I would have preferred if they left Quan Chi as Shinnok's enforcer, rather that involving him with Sub Zero and Scorpion.
Quan Chi? Was that a confirmation?

Not out-right, but it certainly is a good indicator. He wasn't directly involved in the tournaments until MK4 timeline, so he may or may not appear in MK(9). With the "time reset" stuff, it's entirely possible.
Thanks for the explanations everyone, i guess i gotta get used to thinking in mk 1 - 3 story now, and not from knowledge from the future games!
There are many video are in scrpoion's bio vidio. We discussion about their video like Taj Gill,Rolando estrella i like their video. I like to play video game This game to give us some explanation about mk 1-3 story . We get extra knowledge about it.Ti is so interesting and very knowledgeable video. I have to decide some thinking about for that game.
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