When you resort to profanity, insults, and twisting the words of the person you're debating "perfect dream?" you show the true strength of your arguement.
I never said MK3 was my perfect dream.
Hop off the Tobias Train. If you're not aboard the Boon Bus, there's little of MK you should talk about.
Also, I am not homosexual. And using sexuality as an insult is as childish as using a bib and a pacifier.
By the way, no matter what you say, it is still subjective and opinionated
If you noticed, other people are replying to you trying to reflect to you your own ignoramus behavior in a friendly debate...
Let that sink in.
I haven't countered any of your points seriously like a debater should and yet your argument is collapsing like a Haitian hut in Hurricane season.
Everything you have stated, even with your fancy links and videos, has been subjective.
There's no facts.
I prefer MK3/UMK3. Period. You won't change that in my mind just cause your majesty prefers MK2 Tsung and suddenly has martial arts experience.
Btw bud, I have been practicing Judo since a little kid. I boxed for a good part of my life. I wrestled in high school.
I have more martial arts experience (do I consider myself the expert to start ranting MK's choreography? No.) and I am not speaking like a neanderthal expecting that every opinionated thing I say is a fact and that everyone should believe me and worship my opinion.
London, you have no experience, no knowledge, nothing. What you prefer is up to you, as what I prefer is up to me.
But as far as you calling MK3 shitty, you have no credibility.
Nor does anyone honestly care as to what and why you consider it shitty. Really.
No one does.
I will make this simple and leave this debate for you. Go ahead and celebrate thinking you won this discussion.
Anyone can go ahead and read what you've said and see it's egotistical writing with no proof, fallacies, paradoxes, and illogical thinking.
Go ahead now kid, celebrate.
You won once again the shunning from some forum members and lost my respect, being unable to hold up your own in a debate and resorting to insults.
See ya mang.
First of all, do not get me wrong, i did not chosen the forddiben word with the objetive for offend to anyone or a certain comunity, include i have asked apologuises previously .
In really my purpose was to try to prove that this style on tsung does not fit with mk, but well ........by the way neither you or the corresponding administrator/mod have ´nt interpreted to me or maybe they has banned to me with a huge partiality, maybe was an amicus curiae case, who know?
So, all your personal comparisions with my user, are in vain

No offcourse you has no said that mk3 is your perfect dream, include i have not affirmed this, only i was asked a question that is different,----- man (no).
but you has said that mk3 is going well in at his same sense, and is not true cause cause suddelny mk2 is superior to mk3, and again gamplay is not the onlyone important thing in a fighting game, is important too the concepts, the designs, the history and the most important thing is martial coreography cause its determine how as going to see the sprites, cause the first stuff that everyone wacht are the sprites in sequence and how they look, then everyone watch how the programming is reacting on ,them
understand, genious?
Sorry, if i say that Daniel Pesina have did a superior work in martial coreography in comparision with the ed boon ´s work on mk3 martial coreography for you is subjetive......... and is not subjetive cause mk1/mk2 the martial coreography are much more better builded.
and for your information mr. hero, a case of subjectivity is as would have been if the movements of the characters would have been 5 feet below or 5 feet above, or if midway team had filmed the character in a different way.
We can even see the videos that Dan pesina has released on you tube and those show cases like those
But the objective thing is here and everyone can can clearly see this, cause is not subjective the work that has been done.
You are using the excuse of subjectivity to hide this technical issue because is everything except subjective and no matter what you argue that you're the one who escapes....... mk is not an abstract Art.
I notice that 2 users thinks like you, sorry are only 2...... and you have not the whole knowledge of Dan pesina for say that mk3 martial coreography is fine by the fact you say that everyone can be subjetive

(also i was studied martial art too, but i don´t consider superb to my self for say that mk3 martial coreography is fine and subjetive, in fact if you do not see very deep on mk ´s sprites, it´s means that the blind is not me)...........
subjetivity is for ppl that dreams and make guesses without a single reason to be objective.............
yes i am not a martial artist but i have learned much about whats mk1/mk2 has lefts and you seem not regonize that mk1/mk2 are better in martial coreography........ cause you do not separate your personal tastes from your objectivity, genious

For you is easy evade my points
and you have credibility cause mk3 is fine in his own way ? keep dreaming

............... and do not forget again that since 1995 during 2 years midway had bad numbers in his differents releases and had a certain enconomy crisis......... oh yes is subjetive for you, and mk3 was fine, and it was not in really.
I never pretended that anyone care that i say............ you pretended that me cares this, mr. hero

Anyone can go ahead and read what you've said and see it's pathetic writing with blindness, negation without enought reasons and explanations , false goodness and false logical thinking........
go ahead smurf, celebrate

Sorry, i am not like gargamel or his cat or any stupid person that you believes that i am

, ahh i don´t need to you or anyone for earn gold but you can keep dreaming:
I have not shied away from anyone, I just said that if someone disagrees with me , those forum members directly can choose to ignore me............... do not share opinions does not means that i don´t acept that anyone say ,cause in your case, i do not pretend change your subjetive mind, understand mr. hero?
But in exchange you have pretended to say that i am hater and the other stupids things that you described about me.
And apparently you need that me earn your respect (who is now the superb here?), soo I do not need someone's respect, because I know what I say with my reasons and
i do not tell "kid" to anyone by the fact that someone does not think like me.
Bye (forever if you guess)