and then the mod ask to anyone put big kid pants XD,.
You have ignored the fatalty and animality examples…………… i know the truth hurt and so much.
Sorry, i ´ll not obey your suggestions and those some kind of orders

, if you want be a blind user is fine, i was not wanted change your "subjetive mind" but you wanted try manipulate that i am a hater and my opinion are in base of my likes, well sorry is not true

and again, you don´t know what are you talking cause, suddenly you are showing that you don´t know that the martial coreography between mk2 and mk3 is different.
Must i say to you that whole mk1-mk2 coreography was managed by Daniel Pesina? on last interview the same Dan pesina has said that Jhonny cage is the father of the whole 2d character.
Who know about martial coreography? ah for you is ed boon cause is really true that you can see none.
You say to me that i have not any kind of experience about Martial coreography,
now i ask to you Ed boon have any experience on martial coreography at mk3? "0"
It is the reason that of why whole mk3 is not superior to mk2 even with a combo system and run system added in mk3. or you has forgotten to Mkt cage now?
Ed boon managed whole mk3/umk3/mkt very bad
Less bad that at least Tony marquez know anything of this, even his kung lao at mk3 was not very enougth better in comparision with mk2, beyond of his gameplay. Also the stupid boon has decided reduce the sprites ´s size on game, other fatal error.
With dan pesina out, ed boon should to have find a good remplacement but suddenly was not posible and the same stupid boon have take the direction of martial coreography ( you can see it in videos from behind the scenes of mk3), and is the reason of why mk3 is a piece of shit, and in this period midway has entered in a crisis, cause in two shorts years, asside of mk3/umk3/mkt Midway has released 1 movie (managed by the stupid Paul ws Anderson with stupid threshold company), 2 tv series (that are crap), a stupid carton movie called mk the journey begin (more horrible even) and stupid theater live action show.......... you don´t imagine how mk at 1995-1996 was trolled at the nasty sense of word.
In those 2 short years mk has be converted in a horrible marketing strategy, and actually this way of think is the same actually that stupid boon and the stupid midway/wb has (well midway is no more but happened in his time) and this stupid marketing strategy exploded at the second mk movie "anilathion" that i in really is Shittylation.
Also whole mk3/mkt character ´s designs are less martial and also have almost wrong actors is clearly error, cause the root of mk is from a movie called troubles in litle china ,which Jhon tobias take inspiration from this movie for build to mk.
And sorry i am not basing this in my opion, tecnically i am basing in the proof that Dan Pesina and Jhon Tobias has gave on mk that is different. i showed to you examples but you decided ignore them.
And again i can show more proof that tsung mk3 is crap, you don´t want to believe (i don´t want offend anyone but you don ´t seem understand and same time you want in really make any kind of trap , sorry if anyone take any offense i have not bad intentions) but Tsung mk3 seem a ........ with those wedge and Tsung from mk1/mk2 a very charismatic and powerfull character and is not good idea just at mk3 make ridiculize to him. Now let me refresh other great mistake in relation this this: if you remember kitana and milena at their win pose, you very prolly that her leg are close their foot are together, well yes this concept has started in mk2 justo for female ninjas or mutants like the tarkatans..........
what hell was happened in mk3-umk3?
if you make this kind of winpose on male characters, suddenly they earn a sissy pose and this happened with subzero unmasked and whole umk3 male ninjas and sektor. For any reason, in the case of sektor this work cause him not clearly human like happen with baraka at mk2/mkt. Sundenly too the umk3 male ninjas have a black wedge................... yes hard to understand and believe but they looks very sissy and it not fit for this kind of characters-.
Again i repeat the stupid ed boon wanted make this game more exagerated and parodic
and what happen?
Whell Tsung seem that has failed in mk2 and the stupid boon wants ridiculize to him at mk3 timeline.
The same happen at mk9 timeline:
why shang tsung have joker fatality and why him was aborved by sindel?
3 words "ridiculization for tsung"……… honestly , ed boon is a great idiot and a stupid that do not care nothing, only care to the stupid scorpion, the stupid tanya and the stupid borraicho, or the stupid kotal khan, the other characters like motaro no and is crazy cause him decied add 2 two stupid character like mokap and ]Hu sao. Include stupid Ed boon has ruined a legendary character since mk2 and this is called blaze in mkda and mkar. In mkda blaze is a generic character without his own move set and mk Ar is a great stupid gorilla mixed with fire........................ is incredible that the ppl not pay antention in those details are small details but are importants.
And again" is not about my likes" is about common sense and is to say what hell has happened exactly, without make stupid subjetive opinions.
It is not abstract arts, it is a game with resources that can be analizaed with objetivity.
I am not acting with arrogance or pride, in all the case, you have a self-imposed belief thanks to ed boon showed to you that is different. Cause since 1995 boon has showed alot things but without a full and whole explanation thing by thing. Sorry but boon never has changed my mind.
The problem is that you are comparing an abstract art on gardens with a non abstract work like the martial corepography Works, here is not a place for the subjetivism, or the things are fine or the thing are bad, there is not greys color here.
Sorry i have watched to mk since 1992 until at the present day and you pretended that i have not learned anything? Sorry you are wrong, you don´t need be inside on midway or nrs studio for get knowledge.
Would be nice enter in NRS studios but your contact with the knowledge is your ´fn screen at games and you too you can get adicctional information like interviews, documentals ect ect. Ect,,,,
so it ´s not enought beyond of me.
Fact is that the work made by pesina at martial coreography is clearly bettter than whole mk3/umk3/mkt martial coregraphy Works, it´s something that i am not manipulating is just on games and is you seem that have refused make comparisions with objetive eyes.
Is funny, for you is an a poor martial coregraphy from Dan Pesina ,you have not eyes suddenly.
If tsung mk3 dislikes to me is other history,
Fact is that tsung mk3 sucks, first: remember the flamming skull animation pose mk2 with paranormal sound files and then compare same move with mk3 version, i am pettry sure that mk2 is better.
When tobias was in MK team, game was silly with moderation that is different (they wanted make parody and make honor to martials movies but with a sense and modertation with a balance),,,,,
with the stupid boon is a ´fn horrible extreme and i see that nobody notice about this and this have 3 words “trolling for mk” and is stupid.
One thing is a fatality bug/glicht like 3 head rip from mk1 ( at mk2 was a coded oficial finisher the 3 head rips) for cage ´s fatality and another thing that was very and very horrible include stupid like this:
and you mention cage to mk1/mk2 head rip fatality and at at umk3 is a downgrade
remember mk1? Here
then check the most ultra crap fatalities
Suddenly those examples from boon ´s programing was a great lack of coherence and realism inside in a fantasy genre....... and then me is the subjetive dude lol (sarcasm)
Sorry, Ed boon is a marketing dude that does not care nothing except the Money. Fact is that Boon is a ´fn hypocrite, and was going in this direction since 1995 until the present day progressively.
Oh mk3 was your perfect dream? You was living in a lie XD.