<center><img src="http://www.trmk.org/images/news/evo-logo.png" /></center>
The world's largest and most prestigious fighting game tournament, <a href="http://evo2k.com">EVO 2011</a>, is featuring a <b>Mortal Kombat</b> game for the first time ever in the official tournament. Competitive <a href="http://www.trmk.org/games/mortal_kombat_9">Mortal Kombat 9</a> players from around the country and world participated in pool play and the semifinals bracket on Friday, leaving the final 8 players to compete for the championship on Sunday.
The <b>Mortal Kombat 9</b> finals at <b>EVO 2011</b> will conclude at <b>2:00 PM PDT</b> (4:00 PM CDT) this <b>Sunday, July 31st</b>. The tournament finals continues its double elimination format, as losses carry through. Those in the winners bracket can still lose once and continue on, as those in the losers bracket will be eliminated after another loss. In the end, the winner of both brackets will fight for the championship. You can watch the live stream here as the first ever <b>Mortal Kombat EVO Champion</b> is crowned.
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The world's largest and most prestigious fighting game tournament, <a href="http://evo2k.com">EVO 2011</a>, is featuring a <b>Mortal Kombat</b> game for the first time ever in the official tournament. Competitive <a href="http://www.trmk.org/games/mortal_kombat_9">Mortal Kombat 9</a> players from around the country and world participated in pool play and the semifinals bracket on Friday, leaving the final 8 players to compete for the championship on Sunday.
Congratulations to all who made the finals! The <b>Mortal Kombat Kommunity</b> appreciates the dedication of <b>NetherRealm Studios</b> and of the <b>competitive fighting game community</b> to make <b>Mortal Kombat 9</b> a viable game for the tournament scene. Also, it is impressive to see that each of the final 8 is repping a completely different character, making for some potentially awesome finals matchups. If you had a chance to watch the <b>EVO 2011</b> bonus stream yesterday, you would have been treated to an amazing display of skill and execution as the best <b>Mortal Kombat</b> players fought their way to the finals.<b>Winners Bracket</b>
<li>Chris G (Reptile)</li>
<li>JOP (Johnny Cage)</li>
<li>DMG Perfect Legend (Kung Lao)</li>
<li>Denzell Terry (Sub-Zero)</li></ul>
<b>Losers Bracket</b>
<li>Osu 16-bit (Kitana)</li>
<li>OnlineTony213 (Kabal)</li>
<li>ATL Redd (Liu Kang)</li>
<li>REO (Mileena)</li></ul>
The <b>Mortal Kombat 9</b> finals at <b>EVO 2011</b> will conclude at <b>2:00 PM PDT</b> (4:00 PM CDT) this <b>Sunday, July 31st</b>. The tournament finals continues its double elimination format, as losses carry through. Those in the winners bracket can still lose once and continue on, as those in the losers bracket will be eliminated after another loss. In the end, the winner of both brackets will fight for the championship. You can watch the live stream here as the first ever <b>Mortal Kombat EVO Champion</b> is crowned.
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