Dead Space thread


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theres like 59 pages under other gaming so i dont really know if theres already a dead space thread. i dont remember seeing one and i hear talk about dead space sometimes so i made a thread for it.

the dead space games are almost perfect games (in my opinion). the only thing i dont really like is the quick cheap ending on both DS1 and DS2.

i hope that when they make DS3 it will not be so different than the first 2. more weapons, more necromorphs, more crazy shit.

so say what you like or dislike about dead space and dead space 2. say what you want there to be in future dead space games. and so on and so on. enjoy.
I love Dead Space, but Isaac changed way to much, he went from this.




Despite this, I want more weapons in DS3 and WAAAAAAAY more necromorphs and WAAAAAAAY more bosses.
I love the Dead Space games. I love the necromorphs (sometimes), I love the weapons, and the suits, and basically everything else. There's not much about the games that I don't like....other than dying.

I too wouldn't want them to stray too far away from what the games currently are. New innovations are always welcomed, as long as they keep things similar.
i dont think isaac was all that different in dead space 2 than he was in dead space 1, only this time he talked. he had a name and a face in DS1 lol.

i am hoping that there will be more boss fights in the next dead space. more crazy necromorphs like the pukers and those ones that peak around the corner then run at you.
necromorphs were one of the most creative ideas that came out of gaming this gen in my opinion. Dead space scared me so much i had to put it down for a few months to muster up the courage to play it again. More scary than resident evil 3 and 4.
The main idea was though, that Isaac in DS1 was just an everyday dude, in DS2, he became, well, Jesus with a jetpack, even when he was woken up, he didn't take long to HEADBUTT one in front of him.

Also I...wanted to post that comic...I thought it was funny...
Love Dead Space. DS1 is my favorite game in this current generation of consoles. DS2 was great but I wasn't nearly as creeped out as I was compared to the first. I also didn't like Isaac's suits as much either, they were too "Metal Gear-ish" for lack of a better word imo. His suits in the first game while futuristic, he still looked like a space miner rather than a soldier.
You all should hear Camo and I play DS2 MP, lol.

DS1 was scarier, that's for certain, while DS2 was more action oriented in order to "appeal to a wider audience", as EA stated. Ds2 evolved the series to more of an action route, while DS1 was argueably one of the scariest games of this generation.

Ds1 ia scarier; I played it the other day after months of not playing and I crapped myself at least 10 times. The main reason:setting. Despite what Visceral wants to say, a dark, deserted mining vessel in the middle of space is much scarier than a small community with malls.

In short, DS2 was a better action game while sacrificing horror, while DS1 was the better horror game but I felt struck a nice balance between action and horror. Both featured survival well(if many weapons were carried/used or on higher difficulties). DS1 horror to action ratio:roughly 50-50. Ds2:20- 80.

Now these are my opinions, but it is obvious DS is taking a more action oriented path in order to appeal to more people rather than pure horror fans. Hoppefully, DS3 balances action and horror more like the first game than the second.

I think both games are great, but for different reasons, which I already stated. DS3 wishlist: more horror, the definitive end of Isaac's story(maybe, but I don't want it to be milked like Halo is planned to be(3 additional games featuring Master Chief. Really, 6 games with the same protagonist?)) and an end to the necros(for now, hehehe).
You all should hear Camo and I play DS2 MP, lol.

DS1 was scarier, that's for certain, while DS2 was more action oriented in order to "appeal to a wider audience", as EA stated. Ds2 evolved the series to more of an action route, while DS1 was argueably one of the scariest games of this generation.

Ds1 ia scarier; I played it the other day after months of not playing and I crapped myself at least 10 times. The main reason:setting. Despite what Visceral wants to say, a dark, deserted mining vessel in the middle of space is much scarier than a small community with malls.

In short, DS2 was a better action game while sacrificing horror, while DS1 was the better horror game but I felt struck a nice balance between action and horror. Both featured survival well(if many weapons were carried/used or on higher difficulties). DS1 horror to action ratio:roughly 50-50. Ds2:20- 80.

Now these are my opinions, but it is obvious DS is taking a more action oriented path in order to appeal to more people rather than pure horror fans. Hoppefully, DS3 balances action and horror more like the first game than the second.

I think both games are great, but for different reasons, which I already stated. DS3 wishlist: more horror, the definitive end of Isaac's story(maybe, but I don't want it to be milked like Halo is planned to be(3 additional games featuring Master Chief. Really, 6 games with the same protagonist?)) and an end to the necros(for now, hehehe).

Agreed 100%. I've played DS1 well over 20 times and have most of the areas memorized but there are places I still dread going (areas with Exploders or the super fast Necros for example). DS2 while great and still had plenty of horror, didn't have the creepyness of DS1. I don't think I jumped once during DS2 nor did I dread turning around the corner etc. DS1 the first severall times I played it I was always on edge not knowing what was gonna jump out at me. Another thing that made DS1 creepy was the noise and atmosphere. The clanking of metal, hearing Necromorphs crawling through the wall or vent or hearing an unearthly growl in the background put me on edge more than anything else also seeing shadows of Necromorphs running behind you added to the tension. Not to mention the first game you felt much more alone and helpless despite having a wicked arsenal. I'm not hating on DS2 mind you as it was a great game but it imo was nowhere near a scary or creepy as the first.
I doubt it, as long as EA is behind this tugboat, we will never get that seriously scary focused game. Thats not to say dead space 2 wasnt awesome , cause it really was fantastic but theres always this false belief that if you dont put in gimmicks for a "wider audience" it wont sell. People who dont play games alot don't sit in a chair and say Oh look its got this for me and this! No they say that looks cool let me think about it or its just not for me.
Dead Space was a ton of fun. It quickly became one of my favorite game series. It's one of those fun games you play after dark with the lights off. DS1 was a lot scarier, the whole idea of being on a giant ship all alone with no help was pretty creepy, the setting in DS2 just didn't seem quite so scary.

But that's not even the reason I like the game so much. The whole story and mythology surrounding everything in the game is what makes me like it so much. Things like the history behind the marker and Unitology and why people believe what they do. It's just very interesting to me, I like that kind of stuff. I can't wait for DS3 mostly so I can find out more about all of this.
Dead Space is probably my favorite game ever. It did everything perfect to me, the atmosphere was really great. I like Dead Space 2 a lot but it's prequel is way better.
love dead space!!! i even have my youtube channel with a background of the game, soooooooooooo cool
Amazing game. But I refuse to continue after chapter 5-ish.
So ****ing scary.

Haha, true, so true. But, please, continue playing. DS is more than simply a horror series; as others said, it has a very unique universe which is full of lies, tradegy and conspiracies.

Dead Space, as a series, for me, blended survival, horror, action, sci-fi and characters/plot so perfectly that most people can get something out of this game series. Also, I liked how Visceral leaves an aura of mystery around many events, which causes you to research and think of the possibilites; in terms of the plot(surrounding the marker and the necromoprhs), it is mostly speculation, which I love.

Dead Space is definitely one of my favorite series of all time, and those are the reasons why. I'm sure DS3 will be awesome, and I can only hope Visceral hears our pleas to make it scarier.
i found DS2 quite scary. well there were some scary parts. there both great games. i think the reason everyone here thinks ds1 is scarier or better is because you kinda knew what to expect when DS2 was released but DS1 kinda took us by surprise. i do hope they keep doing what they did with DS2 in DS3. i really dont want it to be exacly the same, but similar. i just dont want them to kill everyone off and just leave issac alive. that doesnt make sense. like why isnt there like 100 more people that can kill as good as isaac? and isaac is just an engineer. characters like stross and ellie made the game more believable. on DS1 kendra and hammond (i think thats how its spelled) kinda seemed like doomed characters. like it wouldnt matter if they died. they just seemed less important than ellie and stross.
Many people argue that DS2 wasn't as scary because we as players knew of the necros and what to expect. To a degree, I can agree with this. Yes, we knew what to expect of them, a form of desensification I suppose, but it went beyond that as well. DS1 overall simply had a better setting for a horror game. A dark spacecraft full of small, claustrophobic corridors in the middle of space is just simply creepier than the more open desserted mall/living areas of a space station.

Now, there were scary parts in DS2, but not too many. The original had more atmospheric fear, while the sequel had very little. Ds2 tried a more psychological fear with Isaac's dementia, but it didn't work as well as the atmosphere did in DS1. Ds2 also had more face to face human interaction when working with Ellie and Stross, so the whole alone feel was weakened as well. DS1 had Hammond and Kendra rarely seen off the holograms/videos, so you felt more alone. Isaac's talking really didn't throw the experience off for me, so I won't say that weakened the horror.

To me, it seemed like after the first few chapters in DS2 that the necros really just jumped out and attacked from a distance or you saw them, unlike the more in your face assaults around corners and better AI climbing in the vents of DS1. DS2 it seemed most enemies just charged you, while in DS1 they would jump back in vents if you were say 20 feet away.

Anyway, these are my thoughts and opinions, but again both games were great, but for different reasons. DS1 was the better horror game, while DS2 was the better action game. Both had scares, but DS1 horror was done much better.
What about the movies? Anyone seen those? Loved Downfall but Aftermath was kind of lame in comparison.