All things Tanya! - Official Diskussion Thread

Re: Tanya's Design Compared to Older Designs.

I'm 45 pages late, but to sum up what I think...

- Her MK4 look sums up best her origin and where she's from. It is also practical for combat. It is simple, but it works.
- Her first MK Deception look sums up best what she's like and her personality.
- Her second MK Deception look is the worst of them all, because it's just a remake of the MK4 look and brings nothing new. Plus she looks weird in it.
- Her MKX Story Mode look I find the best. It's new, elegant, familiar and personal. I just feel, especially with the VO, that that's her.
- Her original MKX DLC look is clearly unfinished, but it still looks off. Especially the face. Is that Cleopatra? This look works on its own, but not with the name Tanya. Just makes her look old and dumb.
- Her updated MKX DLC look is definitely better and feels more polished. But at the same time I can't say I really like it. For me it's too dark, mainly because of those eyes, sharp face and haircut. This look as "evil b/witch" all over it and I don't see Tanya as a purely negative being. More like mistreated and misguided.

So to rank them...

1) MKX Story
2) MK4
3) MK Deception
4) Updated MKX DLC
5) Original MKX DLC
6) MK Deception alternate
What about her MK4 alternate?
Jesus christ, does everyone completely disregard her MK4 alternate? Literally no one liked it, lol.
I can see why. It was just her original costume, but it was grey and had a large sash and extra feet/arm cuffs.
My list would be:

1) MK4
2) MKD
3) MKX Updated
4) MKD Alternate
5) MKX Tanya (Story/DLC)
6) MK4 Alternate

..Yeah, I know I just made a big deal about her MK4 alt and put it last.. Just wanted it to get some attention :rolleyes:
I liked it mainly because it was black and grey and helped bring out the 'I'm a sorceress' answer to people.
Re: Tanya's Design Compared to Older Designs.

I always thought her MK4 alt looked like a glitched out version of her main. xD
Never thought it looked good.

But anyways, yay, listing fave Tanya costumes!

1) MKX. The reason I won't say which model is better is because I LOVED the gold/purple of the old model, but the updated model just generally looks better. If they could keep the colours on her costume as gold/purple in the updated version, that would be perfect to me!
2) MKD main.
3) Mk4 main.
4) MKD alt.
5) MK4 alt.
Re: Tanya's Design Compared to Older Designs.

I'm 45 pages late, but to sum up what I think...

- Her MK4 look sums up best her origin and where she's from. It is also practical for combat. It is simple, but it works.
- Her first MK Deception look sums up best what she's like and her personality.
- Her second MK Deception look is the worst of them all, because it's just a remake of the MK4 look and brings nothing new. Plus she looks weird in it.
- Her MKX Story Mode look I find the best. It's new, elegant, familiar and personal. I just feel, especially with the VO, that that's her.
- Her original MKX DLC look is clearly unfinished, but it still looks off. Especially the face. Is that Cleopatra? This look works on its own, but not with the name Tanya. Just makes her look old and dumb.
- Her updated MKX DLC look is definitely better and feels more polished. But at the same time I can't say I really like it. For me it's too dark, mainly because of those eyes, sharp face and haircut. This look as "evil b/witch" all over it and I don't see Tanya as a purely negative being. More like mistreated and misguided.

So to rank them...

1) MKX Story
2) MK4
3) MK Deception
4) Updated MKX DLC
5) Original MKX DLC
6) MK Deception alternate
Her MKX Story looks is really bad when you look at her new look
Re: Tanya's Design Compared to Older Designs.

Tanya costumes, for me:

1. Deception
2. MKX
3. MK4
4. Deception alt
5. MK4 alt

I love the MKX design and I'm putting it all together because I don't want to argue about the models. She's better with appropriately dark skin and the last thing we need is to get into that debate again, haha.

I do think the glowing white eyes should be variation-specific to help her be sneakier (she's still "good" in this timeline after all), but if they're universal I don't mind because I think they're neat and the Deception look is my fave.
Re: Tanya's Design Compared to Older Designs.

I always thought her MK4 alt looked like a glitched out version of her main. xD
Never thought it looked good.

I'm disappointed because everyone in MK4 had a legit alt, but Tanya didn't, they literally just colorsplashed it sepia and added a few extra cloths.
I think that has to tie into the whole 'Kitana' scrap as well, unfortunately. They probably had a whole thing set up for Kitana and just threw Tanya some random bop color flop while they gave everyone else full outfits.
Re: Tanya's Design Compared to Older Designs.

I'm disappointed because everyone in MK4 had a legit alt, but Tanya didn't, they literally just colorsplashed it sepia and added a few extra cloths.
I think that has to tie into the whole 'Kitana' scrap as well, unfortunately. They probably had a whole thing set up for Kitana and just threw Tanya some random bop color flop while they gave everyone else full outfits.

Well... she wore fishnet stockings... that's cool.
Re: Tanya's Design Compared to Older Designs.

Well... she wore fishnet stockings... that's cool.

2:40 in the video to see her Alt in gameplay.
If you watch the full one, you'll see the massive detail change in everyone while she literally got maybe 20% of a change.
Other people don't even have a spec of their original besides scorpion who has his entire mask off, lol.
Re: Tanya's Design Compared to Older Designs.

2:40 in the video to see her Alt in gameplay.
If you watch the full one, you'll see the massive detail change in everyone while she literally got maybe 20% of a change.
Other people don't even have a spec of their original besides scorpion who has his entire mask off, lol.

Well, consider this. Of ALL the MK4 characters, Tanya's MAIN outfit was the coolest. They had to even it out by making her alt not so cool. ;)
Re: Tanya's Design Compared to Older Designs.

Tanya's MK4 alt was a mess. I actually think my favourite outfit from her is her MKDeception Alt, but her MK Deception main outfit in her render is everything!! She just looks so badass.
Re: Tanya's Design Compared to Older Designs.

I just noticed you Retweeted my one as well back in early April lol

How do you know it was me? I only have 1 account and it's personal. No way you could've known lol.
Unless you mean my Tanya's Husband account.
In that case, I only made that for my other forum that I admin. lol.
Re: Tanya's Design Compared to Older Designs.

How do you know it was me? I only have 1 account and it's personal. No way you could've known lol.
Unless you mean my Tanya's Husband account.
In that case, I only made that for my other forum that I admin. lol.

Nooo, because Kareem also favourited my tweet as well. So it wasn't hard to put 2+2 together lmao
Re: Tanya's Design Compared to Older Designs.

Nooo, because Kareem also favourited my tweet as well. So it wasn't hard to put 2+2 together lmao

Lol, I see. I'm not very discreet anyway.
I expected that you saw me post my picture in the "TRMK members' thread and saw my profile picture as it on twitter too.
Re: Tanya's Design Compared to Older Designs.

Guys I know we've had our awkward race discussion moments in this thread but I just read the "Kung Jin Is Gay" thread and I'd like to thank everyone in here for being not insane.
Re: Tanya's Design Compared to Older Designs.

Guys I know we've had our awkward race discussion moments in this thread but I just read the "Kung Jin Is Gay" thread and I'd like to thank everyone in here for being not insane.

Well, I can get a little bit insane... as seen in that thread. And well, in here too, at times. xD