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May 28th, 2014
1:52 PM CST -
A mysterious poster that is said to be a "Mortal Kombat Teaser" poster has appeared on the internet. It was initially posted to Reddit and soon after showed up on NeoGAF and beyond from there.

The poster is all black and features a broken spine along with a slightly different MK dragon logo. At the bottom of the poster are the words "Who's Next?" in the Mortal Kombat title font.

Keep in mind we have no further information on this at this time, but a now deleted comment on Reddit said it was sent to a GameStop store labeled as simply "Malcolm". A reference to Malcolm X where X = 10 in roman numerals maybe? (Thanks to @subzerosmokerai for digging these details up)

For the next few hours fans arguing over the images legitimacy, especially noting the changed dragon logo as proof it was faked. Then around 4pm CT the Official Mortal Kombat Facebook page and both @NetherRealm & Ed Boon's Twitter profiles were updated with the new revised MK Dragon Logo along with the "Who's Next?" tag line logo.

Get excited fans, feels like a new MK is on the horizon. Luckily we likely don't have long to wait as Ed Boon's "kountdown" ends on Monday.
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